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I spent the rest of the week up until Friday avoiding third period, avoiding hallway 7B all together. I sat in second period dreading the moment the bell will ring. English was easily my favourite subject but I couldn't focus on shakespeare. 

"Arie, maybe you could tell us what Ophelia is singing about?" Mr. Screv asked

"What? Oh.. Yeah. What I picked up on was her singing about, uh, menstruation" 

I heard a few murmurs and giggles behind me. He smiled at me and continued on with the lesson satisfied with having all the students attention. He grabbed his hamlet book, clearly tired of reading and asked us all to take out a sheet of paper and do the research questions. 

"Are you going to actually so up to econ?" 

I shrugged my shoulders at Kyra's question and kept doing my work. She kept prodding me with questions and I kept ignoring her until she stole my pencil out of my hand. 

"What is going on with you" 

"Nothing! the class is boring and Heather bothers me" 

"Yeah, okay. You're going, I'm making you" 

I snatched my pencil back from her and started doing my work again, trying to come to terms with how awful the next 55 minutes of my life is going to be. I drained all of my dread into my answers, writing so furiously mt letters started to run together. The bell rang and I let out a long groan as Kyra hooked her arm in mine so I couldn't make an escape. I begged her the whole way down the stairs to let me go.  She rushed me into the room and basically threw me at my desk, luckily Johnny wasn't in the room when the final bell rang.

"Don't forget about my party, guys" Heather shouted to the class.

Johnny walked in and apologized for being late. He stopped in front of the class, shocked that I was there. I tucked my hair behind my ear trying to keep my eyes from his. 

"Ms. Wagner, nice of you to join us again" 

I nodded and tried to drown out the rest of the day that was bombarded with texts from Kat and Donald about going to Heather's party. 

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