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His worried soft voice broke through the barren house, I hated that tone, it made me feel helpless- like a baby.

"Still in bed"

I heard soft steps towards me and hen finally the door opening, I fought to keep the smile from my face, to avoid a cliche is of utmost importance.

"Hey, Princess"

Okay, he won't a smile, as bad ass as I was... I loved being a princes, his princess.

"Do you feel any better?"

"A little, just so tired. I think I'm gonna skip out on school on Monday"

He crawled into the bed from behind me, wrapping his warm arms around my waist. It was a nice change from the emptiness I had been feeling. Emptiness rather than loneliness, i couldn't pin point why but I just felt like I was crowded.

"That's a good idea, but too bad I can't stay home with you... Uhm, so tomorrow, I have some plans around noon"

I sat up and looked over at him, his tone has changed in such a way that I knew I wasn't going to like what his 'plans' were.

"The meeting today went a little sour so I'm going to meet the consultant for the school for coffee and try to convince them that I'm not some creep that's actually dating a student"

My blood started to boil, because A) he didn't mention a name or gender so I can assume a female, maybe that he knew prior to this, and B) He WAS dating a student, just not a creep... This man never lets me catch a breath. He must have caught onto my thoughts because he let out a sigh and grabbed my hand.

"They interviewed some students and teacher and heard some rumors... The consultant, Leianne, was worried that it would be a problem for me to be promoted for that reason, I'm trying to save my ass"

Damn it, I couldn't fight that... I couldn't be the one to make him lose this opportunity, it was so important to him. I let the idea bounce around in head for a while before I realized something, something almost totally unacceptable...

"Leianne? Your ex girlfriend, Leianne?"

He nodded sheepishly while I let an angry breath escape. Now, it was different, I could rightfully say no and that I wasn't comfortable but... Wouldn't that damage the finally stabilizing relationship with have? Granted, I trust Johnny to my fullest capability but there may be bigger fish to fry than this position.


"Look, before you say you don't like the sound of it, I broke up with her for you... I swear to you, the only thing she and I will be discussing is school business and why I am the right choice. I promise you have nothing to worry about"

I can't do it, I can't say no. The opportunity for him is too great and I love him to much to take the light from behind his eyes.

"Okay... Just, make sure you come home to me"

I beamed a smile at me before basically tackling me over and kissing me all over my face, giving extra attention to my nose and lips. I was nearly relaxed when an idea jumped in my brain, I had to leave, I had to execute before I lost all my momentum.

"I love you but I gotta go... Can you take me back to my car?"

He kissed me and hopped off the bed in response handing me my pants and keys. Following closely behind him I studied the way he walked, with such confidence and strength, I can only imagine what he'll be like as a husband or father.

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