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Arie POV

Finally, he gave in. It only took all night and multiple awkward conversations with creepy guys. I let him have free range of my body, I was his to eat up but I won. If I had know that all it would have taken was a little bit of jealousy, I would have sat with Jack in class, ran my hands through his hair a few times. I couldn't help but hum with happiness and maybe a little bit of pleasure. I broke the kiss, even though all I wanted was his lips on me, to push away from him. I turned on my heels and started to walk away when his voice broke the summer air

"Where are you going?"

It was cute how desperate and out of breathe he sounded.

"I got what I wanted, so now, I'm leaving"

I turned my head and smirked when his smile fell, but I didn't dare so real happiness. How could I be happy anyway? He broke up with me but still thinks I'll have sex with him. The more I thought about it the more pissed I got.

"Like hell you're leaving"

His arms snakes around my torso and lifted me up. Half carrying, half dragging me while I tried to wiggle away. He sat me in the passenger seat and buckled me in so I couldn't just run away again. He climbed over me, probably hoping that it would get us moving faster. He didn't live far from the field. it would be easy enough to walk back once we stopped moving but in this outfit, I'd be inviting someone to just snatch me up. By the time we pulled in his driveway I was ready to explode.

"Arie. Get inside"

I undid my seat belt and walked to his front door, not exactly knowing why I obeyed. But, I guess I always will. I walked through the threshold and immediately felt at home and myself loosing my advantage. The door slammed behind him and he came back to holding my waist. God, this was weird. I turned around and put my hands on his chest. Refusing to look him in the eye. He pulled my chin up and leaned down but I pushed myself away, doing my best to not to fling myself back into his arms. My whole body tensed and I fought to stay calm.

"Arie? Baby?"

"WHAT THE FUCK? What the actual fuck, Johnny? You break up with me for absolutely nothing and the drag me away from my friend? For what? For sex? You're such an ass, Johnathon Michael McBrien"

The rush of all of my anger flooding out of my body left me dizzy and struggling to catch my breath. I hate this, I hate that I gave him this much power over me. If I even gave it to him. Before I could actually think my mouth was open again.

"How do you think the school board would take this? Could you imagine how that would go? You want to be a principle someday! 'Hello? Yes, Mr. McBrien? He's a wonderful teacher... But, he's an even better fuck. Oh, I know that because he carried my away from multiple classes and school days to have a copious amount of sex with him but he broke up with me so I guess the harms done and over with. Yeah, totally put him in charge of hordes of sad high school girls just.like.me."

I let out a huge breathe that was a mix of anger, relief, and regret. His face contorted from concern to furious rage. What was sad, was sad. No apology would correct it, I couldn't take it back now. He rammed his fist into the wall behind me, making me jump into him.

"THIS. This is exactly why I broke things off. You're so... so FUCKED UP. So fucked up that you would let people think of you like a whore over some guy who broke up with you!"

"I'M emotionally unstable? You just called me a whore, not to mention nearly punched me! You can't even tough things out for two god damn months"

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