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McBrien POV

The short ride from home to the school did nothing but insight more panic in me that ever before. I had the interview, an interview I have been looking for since day one at this god forsaken school and now the only person I have to give me strength looks like she's on her death bed. It was always something with that girl, either psychotic breaks or alligators, I was sure to drown. When I pulled into the parking lot it was barren, only two cars excluding my own. I walked through the doors into the air conditioned front office, I could hear two murmuring voices. I stalked quietly closer to the conference room but the closer I got the lower the voices. I stood in the door way and cleared my voice.

"Ms. Beldoe, this is the teacher I was telling you about, the one we have hopes to take my position next year"

She starred so far into my soul I felt it freeze from the coldness in her icy blue eyes. I couldn't figure out where I had seen her before, she looked so damn familiar.

"Johnathon, come, have a seat so we can begin"

He smiled at me when all she did was grimace. I sat down across from them, trying to avoid her tundra stare. It was half an hour of just hearing me being talked up and praised for everything from my use of my classroom and my ability to engage even the most uninterested students.

"We have some reasonable doubt about you being the best choice for this position"

"Miss, I can assure we have no idea why you would believe that"

"Mr. McBrien, may I ask you about your volunteer, Arienna Wagner? We've heard from both student and teachers alike that you've taken a special interest in her"

Fuck. This, again? I don't know how or why this continues to come up but, what's the point of being as careful as we are if it still comes to slap us in the face.

"Uh, Ms. Beldoe, we've heard the accusations you're about to make and we realize they're very serious. We've looked into them and found nothing, they have zero affiliation besides student and teacher"

I held my sigh of relief in for the rest of the meeting, which seemed to go smoothly. She stood and began the goodbye formalities when it hit me, exactly who she was.

"Lieanne, I just have to ask that you leave all past events between you and I out of this decision, this is much bigger than stupid debacles you and I have have"

She nodded and looked me in the eyes which seemed less icy than when we began. She left the conference room and when we heard the front office doors slam Principle Tagger turned to me.

"I don't care if what she says is true, I don't care if you continue or if you break things off. Don't you dare, ever, ruin this schools reputation"

"Y-yes, sir"

I let him walk away without another word, straight out the office door... Not trying to recognize the fact that he basically gave me the okay to date a student. I was doing my best to process everything. Before I realized it I was at my jeep, I hopped in and let my head fall back to the head rest. I took my phone out and found her contact, tapping my thumbs rapidly.

"Do you want to grab coffee sometime?"

"Sure, tomorrow around 12?"

"Sounds perfect"

Hopefully Arie understands why I need to do this.

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