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When Monday morning came about I groaned and rolled out of bed. I looked in the mirror, the redness around my eye had gone down but my lip was still swollen. I spent more time than usual on my makeup, doing a cateye and even using a little lipstick, mainly to cover up the spilt in my lip. I slipt on a black and white stripe dress,  black thigh high socks, and combat boots. I still had twenty minutes before I had to leave to pick up Krys so I grabbed a hair tie and a pair of scissors. I pulled my hair in a low ponytail and then twisted it. I sucked in a few breath and cut it before I could talk myself out of it. I pulled the hair tie out and let my hair fall around my face, it hung around the middle of my neck and squealed with glee. I let the small curls bounce around my head and sprayed a little bit product and squeezed to keep them the way they were. I walked down the steps from my room and swiped my keys from where they were hanging in my hallway when my dad walked out of his bedroom. 


"Cut it? It'll grow back, don't worry" 

"What the hell is going on with you? You come home with a busted lip and won't talk about the fight and then you CHOP OFF ALL OF YOUR HAIR?"

I lowered my head and sighed. 

"I'm just trying some things out, I like it, its fun, I'm justing trying to make the most of my senior year... And, that includes keeping secrets... I have to leave now"

He was still yelling when I slammed the door and stalked to my car. I slid in and noticed that I needed to get gas so I stopped at the gas station at the end of the road, running inside to guy a few energy drinks for the day. I stuffed four of them in my bag while I opened the first and started pumping the gas. When I felt it had blown a sufficient amount of money this early in the morning I drove off, waiting for the buzz of the first energy drink when I opened the next one. I pulled into Kry's driveway basically shaking from so much caffiene entering my sister at once. She tossed her bag on the floor and sat down, looking up from her phone, gawking at me. 

"When did you do that?" 

"What? I.. Dddidn't do anythingggg"

"Uh, your hair? How many energy drinks have you had?"

"Oh, this morning, I just cut it... Two,  have three more for later" 

By the time we pulled into the school parking lot and parked in the normal spot I was ready to run a marathon. I grabbed my bag and nearly ran to the drama room. Once I was in there, I couldn't contain myself. I flopped onto the couch that was center stage where donnie sat down on me. 


"Oh, sorry, hunny. You're so tiny I didn't notice you" 

I sat up and pushed him onto the floor, he whined for a second until he noticed my hair


"Yeah, I cut my hair this morning"

"Its almost as short as you" 

"Alright, princess, that's it!"

I jumped up from the couch and tackled him. Putting him in a headlock. Through my yelling I heard the bell rang and I let him go. 

"Saved  by the bell"

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