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I opened my eyes and knew immediately that I was dreaming, the way the room was distorted; fluctuating almost, like they sprouted lungs and began to breathe. I felt a weird tingling through my entire body and instantly was terrified, I'm not sure of what but I knew it was going to be a terrible monster. I looked around and I couldn't find Johnny anywhere. I decided to get up but when I did it was like I was only 8 years old again, I was hardly tall enough to reach the tops of his counter. I looked around the best I could searching for whatever it was that I felt like I had lost. The feeling of desperation was overwhelming, I could feel warm tears on my face. As aware as I was that it was just a dream, I couldn't wake up from it no matter how much I will myself to. I've played this game with my mind before, it's horrific and unbearable. I ran down the hall, which kept stretching over and over again knowing I would never get to the end I stopped. I crouched with my knees up to my chest just waiting for the pulsing all around my body to stop. I felt something crawling over my bare, cold feet. I looked down and all I could see was a small white mouse lying right next to my toe. I reached down to it and scooped it up, it must have felt as pathetic and helpless as I did. I ran my hand through its fur, letting the softness comfort me. My breathing began to slow and I looked down at the tiny animal, cooing every so often. 


The boom of the voice made me jump so high I didn't even realize that the mouse I was holding bit me and fell from my hands. I pressed the little trickle of blood against my tongue. I began my search again, I turned to the right and found a door. I turned the knob but it didn't open, I felt the tears again and was about to give u. I closed my eyes and kicked it and it squeaked. I opened one eye and look into the dark room. I couldn't see anything but I knew that I needed to go in or this wouldn't be over. When I was probably in the middle of the room I heard the door slam, I didn't jump or flinch. I looked around me hoping my eyes had adjusted to the dark enough that I could check my surroundings. I looked all around the room and could only make out the silhouettes of figures, they couldn't be real people. They all had odd proportions and moved with a strange rigidness. I couldn't think straight with all of them moving closer to me, the closer the got the more I could make out of them. The way some were made of cloth and others wire, they were all dolls or some sort of animation.  All of their eyes were focused on me, piercing through me- like they were looking deeper than my skin. I could hear all of the clanks of the metal and the ticking of their inner workings. They all began speaking as they circled me, I couldn't hear a single thing but my own screams after I curled into a ball on the floor, shaking hard. They all reached out and put their hands on me but instead of the cool touch of metal I felt the warm and familiarity of Johnny's hands. I opened my eyes and noted his concerned expression and threw my arms around him, nearly knocking him over to the floor. 

"Baby.. Baby, it's okay, I got you, I'm here"

"You're here" I cried

"I love you" He said

"I love you" I repeat

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