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McBrien's POV

I walked into third period giddy about seeing Arie and the way she looked determined when she did class work. I looked over to her usual seat and noticed her bag on the desk but she wasn't with it, I scanned the room until I saw her at Heather's desk. My stomach started to churn, I couldn't hear what she was saying but the terrified look on Heather's face it wasn't good.


She straightened her back and turned to face me, giving me an evil grin that I couldn't help but love. I tried my best to look stern.

"Back to your seat"

She nodded and walked back, pulling her bag off of her desk. I walked back to my desk and sat down. Leaning back waiting for all of them to get situated. After nearly five minutes of mindless chatter and texting they settled.

"Alright, we're starting compound interest"

I heard my phone chime once, then twice, and finally a third time. I walked back to my desk and opened the drawer I kept it in. Two of the three texts were from Arie, the third was from Klaus.

"don't look at me like that"

"People might think you want me"

I put my hand over my mouth to hide my smile and open the last text from Klaus

"I can't be in class, I caught something"

I let out a sigh and replied to him, asking him what was going on.

"theres a girl in one of the classes"

I tossed my phone back in the drawer not even bothering to lock it. I turned back to the class and I noticed Arie looking back every so often and giggling at the way Heather winced. I'm glad she isn't fighting in my class anymore but I'm afraid that she might get herself expelled.

"Okay, guys. Compound interest! Anyone want to take a crack at it, maybe give an example of it?"

amongst the chatter of the students trying to figure out what I could possibly be talking I noticed Arie's small arm raise slightly with a small grin across her face. I scanned the room and no one else would out their hand up. I knew immediately that I would regret whether I called on Arie or not.

"Yes... Arie?"

"Compound interest? When you start getting interest on your interest?"

I smiled, delighted that she didn't make any snarky remarks to Heather.

"Any examples?"

Again, Arie's hand shot up. I nodded at her, she turned out in her seat to look Heather dead in the eyes.

"It's like when you piss someone off and they tell you that they'll come after you over and over again. But, then, one day you do something that really pisses them off so your revenge has compounded"

I sighed, my head started to throb and I didn't know whether she should be in trouble or praised because she did grasp the concept.

"Arie, please, let's keep it simple"

She threw her hands up in an "I'm innocent" gesture, even though she and I both knew she was far from innocent. I taught the rest of the class on eggshells, trying not to give her anymore more opportunities to low key bully Heather. When the bell rang I pulled Arie aside, waiting for everyone to leave the room so I could shut the locked door.

"You can't do that in class, baby"

"And she can't sic some football players on me but she did" she sneered.

I pulled her by her hand behind one of the cabinets so no one at the door could see us. I let go of her hand so that I could wrap mine around her neck, pulling her into a deep, aggressive kiss. I felt a low hum pass her lips and all it did was make me want her more. I pressed my body against her's, holding her against the wall. I let my free hand wandered around her body, taking my time to feel my way all over her body. Slowly, she began to push back, rubbing her amazing body against me. This time I let out a hum and I felt a smile cross her lips. I lifted the skirt of her up slightly, feeling the warmth of her skin. I was nearly at the base of her bra when I heard the knock on the door. I wiped my mouth and fixed her skirt, leaving her where she was to answer the door.

"You will be seeing me later"

I opened the door and let the students begin to spill in. While she started to gather her things up, I wrote her a pass.

"Arie, are we clear on what we spoke about"

She grabbed her pass from me, her eyes looked powerful and determined. She let a smirk cross her face, making her look all the more enticing.

"Yes, sir" she said in a soft, slow voice.

I couldn't help but watch her as she walk from the room, the way her dress moved with her body made me want to scoop her up and bring her home to do unspeakable things. The final bell rang and snapped me out of my day dream of Arie spread out on my bed again. I passed back papers, letting them have the entire class period to themselves while I tried to nurse the major hard on she had given me.

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