Part 26 (Eir & Fafnir)

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"Your mother was Eir, of Asgard. She was my mother's closest friend, and loved by everyone, really. Odin even referred to her as a good sister, a term of endearment for what you would call a sister in law." Loki began, though I could feel an unusual amount of anxiety radiating off of him. Loki never got anxious, not like this. It were as if he were nearly afraid to tell me. "Your.. Natural father, was Fafnir, of Vanaheim."

"And?" I questioned, leaning my head up to look at him as he paused and swallowed.

He huffed, "He.. May or may not have... Started a war between the Vanir and Aesir. And, quite possibly, have taken the form of a dragon during said war."

"A dragon?" I raised my eyebrows. "Wait, and aren't the Aesi-"

"Asgardians, yes. He declared war on Asgard. But, the term you were going to say, it means dragon. It's possible that he... or perhaps someone else, was attempting to find you through magic. They also could've been calling for you, hoping you would respond. I'll research what I can and find out."

"Wait, why was there a war?" Loki scrunched his nose at my question, clearly not wanting to discuss it. "Loki." I said now, raising my head upwards.

"Fafnir's brother, he was a shapeshifter, yes?" He began speaking again, moving his hands in slight gestures as he did. "Well, during a hunt... in our forests, mind you, not Vanaheim's, though I believe your Midgardian lores tell you otherwise. Thor and I... May have killed said brother." Loki saw my facial expression, quickly adding, "He was an otter! He should've shifted to his original form when he saw us approaching! But he didn't, because the Vanir weren't supposed to be in Asgard, let alone near the palace without request of the Allfather."

"Okay... So you killed his brother in a hunting incident. And he started a war over it?"


"Loki." I demanded now, a direct interest pushing me to get a further explanation. In all honesty, it's not that I cared much for the man himself, but I did want to know why Loki was so nervous. I almost felt bad for that fact. What kind of person doesn't care for their own father, their own blood? However, even with that being said, I didn't. It felt like I was being told the story of a stranger, someone I hadn't the littlest attachment to.

"He demanded compensation for the incident... Either in the form of currency, or in the form of punishment for Thor and I. Odin refused and scolded the realm for demanding anything." He explained. "So a battle began. Normally, that wouldn't mean war, just a slight uprising that could be crushed. However, during the battle Fafnir took the form of a dragon, something no one had seen in either of our realms, and decided to take something that was held dear to all Asgardians, rather than just the Allfather."


Loki nodded, staring at me in question of whether I was okay. After a second, he continued. "We're not sure why he chose her, unless he was hoping she could revive his brother. She was an amazing healer, and rumored to bring people back from the brink of death, but she was no necromancer. He took her on his back and flew back to Vanaheim. For some time, it was said they resided there. However she, nor he, were ever seen by anyone outside the Vanir again. Even Heimdall lost sight when they left Asgard. Odin sent many warriors to Vanaheim in search of Eir, and that's what truly started the war." He leaned back a bit. "That was centuries ago, Thor and I were just children. They were both assumed dead... Until now, obviously."

"Right." I felt myself mumble, suddenly remembering my nightmares. The flames, the dark-haired woman, the blood that turned the sand a menacing crimson. I was lost in my thoughts when Loki's hand touched my cheek.

"Darling? That was a lot, I know. Are you alright?"

I forced a soft smile at him and nodded, not wanting to worry him any more. "Yes, my love. These are people I didn't know."

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