Part 1 Jade saga

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Long ago around the time of Savage's birth his parents were seen as threats. The father was a half breed a child born between a Vampire and a Dragon however they were both of high nobility as their boodlines were pure and untainted a forbidden love and a cursed child. However the mother of Savage had also been a half breed between a pure blood Wearwolf and a pure blood Mermaid as a result she was also a cursed child. The two of them were hunted and targeted not together but indivually until eventually meeting as teenagers where they were hunted together. On the run they fell in love with each other they eventually birthed their daughter Liz and their son Savage before being killed. Or rather that's what the legend says however they did not have two kids they had four and wanting to be reunited as a family in an era of peace the parent's combined their power to create the Bloodline Link. However both parent's had hidden affairs they kept from each other the father had an affair with gambleing he loved the high risks then went with it. All his life it brought him joy in the despair while the mother had affairs with other men however she only loved the father of her kids as the rest were playthings to her. However the other men were in love with her and hunted them all down the parent's not wanting to lose their children or let them die instead tried to protect them by giving them to relatives to protect them.

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