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 However the formula was extremely complex and complicated to the point where it was next to impossible for even someone of Jade's intelligence to perfectly recreate it from scratch. However Savage left behind a translated version that would allow anyone at the level of AI to figure out except that version only translated ninty eight percent of the entire formula. So it was up to the researchers and Jade to figure out the last two percent it was a long process but after so long they finally nearly had it perfected and were prepareing experiements. Also they were trying to find a replacement for Savage so they could have an indivual that people could use as a symbol of Hope after so long they eventually found someone or rather Planet Destroyer did. After begging for it to the point Jade gave up they tried to bring the Conqueror back to the living however they stopped because inside of a vault were instructrions and blueprints regarding the process of improveing the Conqueror and so they followed it and thanks to Savage's information prepared an improved version of the Conqueror. Jade also gave her own idea's as well as the other highly intelligent indivuals to make the greatest version of the Conqueror ever. However the first version escaped and so Jade and her team had to stop them they found serious flaws as their modifcations made that indivual too unstable he ended up dying. However the new version after that one was stable and escaped she also died due to her body being unable to completely adjust to it. Which led to the idea of gradually getting indivuals acustomed to it however their soul was too weak.

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