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Omniversal Soul Stealer was amoung them as well as Omniversal Darkness, Omniversal Berserker, Omniversal Monster, Omniversal Forgotten, Omniversal Ender, Omniversal Destroyer and countless more. However amoung all of them was the greatest Infinite Omniversal Wolf however Savage stood his ground fighting and wipeing out his foes he stood alone after Ivy died. However fortunately her and the rest of the resistence lasted long enough to help take down those most dangerous and exceptional indivuals. However whenever Savage got close to victory Vlad released the most dangerous prisoners throughout the infinite Omniverses to help take down Savage going from the worst to second worst all the way down to the bottom. Before seeking help from various other factions uniteing them all under him as they joined in the war against Savage. At this point Vlad evolved from a Tron Prince to a Tron King then to a Tron Emperour and all the way to the Infinite Tron Omniversal King a rank below Princess Unity making him the third highest rank Tron and allowing him to gain so much influrence and continue the war. However before long he remained alone with Victoria and the last million soliders however he then began to undergo a transformation so the last of his force worked to hold back Savage for as long as possible. However after they fell it was only Savage and Victoria they clashed in a one sided fight just when Savage was about to finish her he was attacked by an army of Trons and soon all of the Trons were against Savage.

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