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Current era as Origin Savage left an excavation site pulled out a massive block of ice inside was an indivual that appeared to be from an unknown era. Inside them seemed to be signs of life and an Energy surge within their body unlike anything they knew of it would've been invisible to them as the energy signiture was too small for scanners. They were surprised to find it even appear they brought it back with them to be investigated the medical team that were in charge of healing the indivual found it to be quite simple. Due to how little the energy signiture was making sure the indivual survived would be a piece of cake they easily brought the entity back from the brink of death and onto the living realm. The situation that seemed like certain death to them was nothing to the current era however due to surviveing the power of the two Titan Eggs was theirs. Which later got amplified by their Vampire nature and improved by their Dragon Half after escapeing with the new found power he was surprised at all the advancements made and the power everyone held. He was confronted by Jade who was called in to handle the situation upon seeing her he says "What is going on?" Jade's vast knowledge allowed her to easily understand the language of the indivual who she explained the situation to. He smiles and says "Do you know anything about Savage?" Jade enraged knocks the man out and brings him elsewhere for interogation.

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