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When they entered the room a third indivual had appeared. The indivual looks down at their hands as they clench their fists the indivual says "So I am back from death? How odd" Jade says "Surrender peacefully and no one gets hurt except for you Jason" The indivual attacks Flare catches their blow with her power the indivual says "I don't think so I just came back to life and won't be going down without a fight" Flare says "Everyone becareful he's extremely powerful" Jade and the others join flare in fighting this revived indivual however he proves to be unstoppable they can't even touch him as he effortlessly beats them all as though they were nothing. Which made Jade realize something she says "It can't be you diden't" Cloey says "Yes we did" The android body of Alice says "Who are you?" The indivual says "You can call me John" Cloey says "Ok John I think it's time that we take our leave" John says "Very well" John, Jason and Cloey teleport away escapeing due to the combined power of the Revival stones and the other items John was revived as an enity of equal rank to Savage as a result they could rival Savage but would be unable to win as he was. Due to the fact that he was just revived John's power wasen't useable yet on top of that he had yet to get used to his new self and so he was only able to use a fraction of what his body could manage as well as his own combat experience.

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