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Omni Angel was the lowest threat level amoung their team and so they could only assign mid level six tasks at the very least but that would be too simple for their team. So they could only work on higher ones like level ten however even those were not challengeing enough at most this team was a negoation card as none could take them on. That was until an emergency job request came in the difficulty was far beyond level ten so anyone else would rather die then do it so the organization sent Savage's team. The Queen of Trons personally approved of the mission so the OPS had to do it a Rouge Tron commited treason attempting to assassanate the Queen so they were to be hunted down and killed. This Tron wanted to take over so they hoped to eliminate the Queen and Princess. The fight was basicly one sided as the Tron effortlessly took down both Omni Angel and Omni Monster as a Tron they could control everything around them. Their will was lasw their ideas rules none of the other races could have broken out of however Omni Vlad was too powerful well Savage was unphased. The Tron says "Oh so your able to stand that's abnormal as for you how dare you be unphased" Omni Vlad says "I'll end you!" he charges forward but is effortlessly defeated Savage says "Looks like it's my turn" The Tron says "Bring it I am interested to see what you can do!" They clash however Savage gets overwhelmed but powers up and comes back for more only to be outmatched.

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