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Savage proved to be too much for the Combat instructror and so took over their education in combat however Savage still requested for their training hoping to further improve his skills and adapt. So he started having private lessions with her when he wasen't training the others. Omni Monster was excluded from the training since he had already graduated long ago the job wasen't one that was long there would be lots of free time as threats weren't as many as other forces. Time went by quickly until that day where Savage and Jade fought upon returning to their HQ Omni Angel says "It's ok you don't need her anyway in fact with a single message her identity can be revealed to all" Savage says "You can't" Omni Angel says "Forget about her and be mine or else you can kiss her goodbye" Savage sighs and says "You win for now but if you betray me I will make you pay" Omni Angel kisses Savage and says "Fine but just know that your mine now" Savage looks at Omni Angel with rageful eyes she says "Don't be like that and besides you'll learn to accept me I am not a terrible lover besides it's not like you have a choice" That was the start of the relationship between Omni Angel and Savage as they trained together they only got closer before finally they had a wedding or rather Omni Angel forced him into it. This was an event that caused people to gather from all across the infinte Omniverses amoung them were two special visiters. 

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