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Savage Everlasting Perfection says "Ok team check for survviors of the crash then report back to me" He reverts back to Savage from the sheer power he demonstrated as Savage Everlasting Perfection it could be assumed that he was atleast as powerful as two trillion Trons and six Megatrons which was around the level of one of the Queen's Royal Guards as a result it was assumed he was on par with a Royal Guard. Savage's team find a single survivor of the crash a female warrior she struggles and sends everyone flying she glares at Savage and yells out "How dare you kill my father i'll end you!" she attacks Savage she sends him flying with a single blow however from that single blow Savage is able to guage her base power to be at the same level as her father's best. She was born between a Megatron mother and her father's union the very first Tron to die under their family name she was then trained by her father and one of the Nightmare's she was a warrior built for war. Savage returned to his Savage Everlasting Perfection state and started tradeing blows with her until she powered up overwhelming him and proved to be a walking calamity. However Origin Savage was closer to her level but it wasen't enough so he transformed becomeing Omniversal Origin Savage. He had to end the fight soon because his body was not yet able to handle so much it struggled with anything beyond Perfect Savage so he had to pace himself and conserve his might with a single blow he defeated her.

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