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Scarlet however was on babysitter duty so she had to sit the task out. Upon seeing the tech of the organization under Savage and Jade Jones was amazed at the advanced tech Alice says "So what do you think? Could you whip something up with all this?" Jones says "Yes easily now let's improve your body" Jones soon got to work modifying Alice taking her body apart then built an even greater one that caused all the other workers to watch in amazement until Jones finished. It had been a week since the two were seen Jade and the others returned apparently those Monkey's evolved to the point of being giant gorilla apes they could not be stopped at that level. However soon the group saw Jones working on Alice's new body and confronted him Jones simply told them to wait because he was almost done and soon he finished. Alice opened up her eyes she could feel how advanced she was it was beyond the point of resembleing a human she could pass as a mortal it was like she wasn't even an Android but a real person with a heart and everything she says "Thank you Jones" Alice hugged Jones and for the first time could feel the same way as others could she could smell and even taste it was beyond her wildest dreams and upon seeing her companions smiled and began to get caught up. Alice soon confronted the escaped Monkey's and effortlessly took care of most of them like they were nothing the last one evolved again this time they resembled a person but could not talk yet they were also easily wiped out by Alice.

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