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Jade drowned the heartbreak with alchool she knew that drinking wouldn't help so she felt even worse. That was until she met him at the bar Jason was somehow almost as attracive as Savage was but had a better aura. Jason managed to seduce Jade and took her to his Hotel for the night they soon started to have a relationship together before learning four months later that Jason was having an affair with all the girl's at the same time. They severely punished him then left him for dead in the middle of the woods only Jason was not just anyone he was the son of Adam and with his powers he made himself far greater then the girl's were. He soon caused chaos and destructrion everywhere he went. The girl's confront Jason in the middle of the city he says "Just the ones I was thinking about" Jade says "You threw such a tantrum all because your no longer with us what a shame" Jason says "I did not need to put much effort into seduceing any of you especally you single parent" Jade attacks only to be countered by Jason soon the other girl's attack but Jason proves to be on another level as he easily beats them all down he says "What a waste your nothing without a man weak" suddenly something inside of Jade snaps and she unleashes greater power then ever before not even Flare could compete Jade attacked she yells "I AM NOT WEAK!" However Jason manages to match her power while in his base level this was thanks to his skills which allowed him to combine the might, skills, experience, power and potental of any girl he sleeps with then use it to amplify his own. 

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