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The team managed to revive the preserved Vampire whoose eyes snapped open the team provided blood from a sub dimension. The Vampire soon returned to peak ability with overwhelming power they killed the team however before they could leave the base John blocked their path the Vampire says "It's you but how?" John says "Hello Max been awhile let's catch up and talk about the fucture" the two left together and soon the dead team were revived and joined the cause again it soon became clear that John managed to fully tap into his body's might and power his past power amplified his new power making him that much greater however it was still doubted that he would be able to stop Savage once and for all. Cloey managed to find indivuals that managed to fight Savage head to head and almost win like the Pope as well as Loki and many others and soon they were all revived. They all joined the cause and as time passed even more joined until Max attacked the enemy base along with John. They managed to release the Venom out to infect countless life forms animal,s insects and such they only wanted to distract Jade and her team which they did. As Jade and her team took on the Venom juiced threats a new threat was rising in the shadows. A few months later the Venom Juiced threats were finally taken care of after a lot of tough battles however ASAP had continued to grow larger and greater lead by Cloey her right hand man John proved to be far greater then any of the others.

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