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Savage says "That you would be nothing without me to keep you alive" Jade takes off her necklace throws it at Savage and says "Get out it's over I don't need you and I won't let you hold me back!" Savage says "Are you sure?" Jade says "Get out!" Savage leaves taking the necklace with him Omni Angel leaves almost immedately after. The Dragon God says "Are you sure about this?" Jade says "Don't just don't" the news of the breakup spreads like a plauge overnight everyone in the universe knew Planet Destroyer and Alice go to see Jade and check up on her. As well as the unexpected survivor of the war Scarlet the four girls along with Flare and the Dragon God soon came together as a small group. Jade did not take the break up that well and regretted it however deep down she meant it he had no right to tell her what her limit was and she could surpass him if she tried hard enough. She knew that he was holding her back and now she could focus on her training Jade and the other girl's became close like a family this was the best thing for Scarlet and even Flare. However the Dragon God acted like a father figure to them all since most of them never really got to experience having a father figure it was nice. None could compete with the girl's so it was kinda boring protecting the peace from evil that was until the news came in two years after the fight between Jade and Savage the wedding of Savage and Omni Angel was annoucned. 

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