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 Savage vanishes just as suddenly as he appeared in reality there's nothing Jade wanted more then to have been in his arms again and never let him go again but she needed to be strong for the sake of her daughter and friends. It's not that Savage was a bad husband or anything like that in her eyes rather he was too good and dependable she needed to discover herself and live her own life be her own person. A few hours after the fight Jade and the group went to Savage Jade Industries. The knoweledge of Savage allowed major advancements in every single feild even in baby toys which made no sense considering who he was. As his wife Jade was a co owner of everything and even helped improve things with her own idea's and knowledge. She was the one in charge whenever he was away and since he was not in the same universe most of the time Jade was for the most part in charge. As the leader her companions often tried to convince her to offically take over thanks to the inventions of Savage however most of the time the workers were trying to figure out the blueprints Savage left behind one of those inventions was the Titan Heart. An Amulet that would turn the wearor into a Titan however if used on a Titan they would lose their might becomeing easier to handle. There were versions for Destroyers and other high races as well as counter measures and equipment. However at the tip of the iceberg was Venom a serum designed to make an ordinary indivual powerful enough to rival even the greatest of threats an instant army.

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