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It was forced but she loved him regardless of which version except the version with all the harems that one she hated the most but for her beloved she pretended to love that version. Jade says "Just don't cheat on me with that woman" suddenly his eyes show guilt she changed from loving to deranged she then realized that he smelt like that woman. She was about to lash out when he suddenly realized the smell on her mostly the entire place they gave each other the same jealous deranged looks he says "Why do you smell like another guy? In fact the entire place smells the same why?" Jade says "Why do you smell like that whore?" that's when the Dragon God enters the room unable to wait any longer to meet his son only to be nearly killed the instant he arrived after getting punched by Savage who says "Why do you smell like my wife?" upon seeing that Jade realizes just how huge the gap between them had grown she says "That's your father!" Savage says "Wolf is my father" The Dragon God says "No son I am" they soon explain the situtaion to Savage he then apoligezes Jade then says "Now that we've settled that tell me why do you smell like that whore darling?" Savage starts to panic he tehn sighs and says "I just got done with a training exercise before arriveing" Jade says "Training to be a cheater in another universe?" Savage says "No it's more a fighting type I often train her in the art of combat" Jade sees he was telling the truth by reading his expressions she then says "Then why did you not shower before coming?"

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