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Jade and the Dragon God soon became close friends and enjoyed talking to each other catching up about Savage and the good old days. As his father the Dragon God was extremely interested in the stories of his son and proud of the person he became while Jade was glad to get to know more about the origins of Savage and to have someone to talk to. It wasen't long before the Dragon God's power finally caught up to his age resulting in him far surpassing Jade's power however in terms of skill and experience Jade won which ultimately made them equals. The more they talked however the more Jade was curious about the identity of her parents and so when Savage returned four days later she asked him if he knew her parents. Savage instantly froze a pause then says "What brought up this question?" anyone else would have failed to catch that but Jade knew instantly that he knew something but diden't want to talk about it. So she played along and watched him closely for slip ups as she talked about her curiosity to know where che came from. He acted normally just like always it would have been impossible for others to see through his act but Jade wasen't going to be fooled as his wife and closet to him she knew him too well. Jade bluntly says "Your trying to hide things from me I know that your aware so please tell me darling" she gave him a puppy dog sad expression as she asked he looked away trying to fight it she grew annoyed and pulled out the one card he could not avoid.

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