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Which was ultimately useless trash compared to the vast experience of Jade and the fighting abillity of the other girl's John was basicly obsolete in terms of fighting abillity however due to how easily he managed to take down Jade and her team it made them all realize just how out of their league Savage was and just how easily he could've ended them all. Jade was enraged at how useless they were when faced with the newly revived John especally how weak she was however due to the battle a lot of the equipment was damaged allowing some of the experiments to escape. As a result there were subjects with the Venom serum out of containment as well as the return of John and Cloey as well as Jason were still on the loose it was a tough situation. After witnessing how easily Jade and her team were defeated by John the staff members started to talk about needing Savage to save the day however Jade says "No need for him we will handle this ourselves" A few days later it was revealed that a thousand Monkeys with the Venom serum escaped also that Jason and Cloey were increaseing their numbers by reviveing Hero's from the past and their companions. Considering how powerful John was it was easy to realize their goal which was to end Savage once and for all however due to the fact that all of the Titans and other high races that could have met Savage in terms of power were gone for good they were forced to turn to Mortals, Hero's and anyone else they could get. However John stood out amoung the rest as the single greatest threat Jade and her team tried to stop them on multiple occassions but each time lost to John so they were forced to take care of the other threat the Monkey's.

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