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The twenty of them were able to keep up with Jade until she snapped even further losing control she went on a rampage John joined the Bounty Hunters annd they managed to keep Jade at bay. Until Alice and the others joined in followed by everyone else resulting in an all out brawl which Jade was winning as her rage grew so did her power she managed to bring an end to the enemy. Jade killed the Bounty Hunters, Max and his army as well as nearly every other enemy only the top five leaders managed to escape her might. Jade collapsed unable to move her power paralized her body her companions took her and began to head out Cloey watched as they escaped with Jade a smile on her face. With the deaths of all those powerful indivuals their power was harnessed and could be used to bring to life someone that could stop Savage the lack of power that happened with John would no longer be an issue this time they could do it she was sure about it. They soon performed the ritual this time a golden light shined and a figure appeared the one known as John from Max's era he was Max's best friend and now the one destined to end Savage. Due to the sheer power Jade unleashed her body was crippled and unuseable it was thought that she'd never fight again due to the nature of the power it was something they could not heal or cure.

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