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This blow allowed the OPS to estimate his best at ten Royal Guard's which meant he could defeat them all through his skills and combat abillity. Omniversal Origin Savage reverts back to normal Savage exhausted his right arm was burned to a crisp dangleing uselessly he heard Omni Vlad say "What do you want us to do with her?" Savage says "Bring her and everything we can salvage then prepare to head out" at the base Savage got to work on the resources salvaged from that battle due to his skills he was now on a totally diffrent league then he was before taking that assignment. Thanks to Loki his base level reached the level of a Tron then after the Tron Hunter it became that of a Royal Guard then finally thanks to Ivy the base level was now at the level of forty Royal Guards. His full might rivaled the Queen's private army in terms of power so he needed a body that could handle such power. Omni Vlad was well aware of this and guarded the place well Savage worked. A month after the events the Queen wanted to personally reward Savage for his aid so his team were forced to come and get him they walked in on the new body of Savage clenching his fist as his tail hit the floor. The body was powerful enough to contain his full power making him even greater Savage went to see the Queen his new self was taken with hostility the Royal guards and the Private army surrounded him. They knew it would take that much to stop him and were enraged that he modified his body from the remains of a Tron an act that was considered treason.

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