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Soon Planet Destroyer had Jones make her greater soon enough she too was on the level of Alice. Some of the researchers asked Jones to look at the Venom serum and he did Jade says "So what do you think?" Jones walked away and says "I'll see what I can do" In only an hour Jones managed to recreate the entire formula from scratch Jade says "He's at the level of Savage when intelligence is involved but when it comes to combat he falls behind" Alice often clung to Jones appearing to be extremely territoral upon seeing this Scarlet felt alone as all her companions seemed to have found someone except her. Scarlet went to explore the building when she found a hidden lab and inside she found something she never thought she would see again she says "Father?" Suddenly the door shuts and a Proffesor says "Yes that is indeed Wolf well what remains of him now that you've seen it I can't allow you to leave her alive" Suddenly the door is kicked open by Jade who says "Scarlet you ok?" Scarlet points to the remains of Wolf and says "How could you allow them to do this?" Jade says "I had no idea explain this!" The Proffesor says "I was ordered to secreatly work on reviving Wolf and to kill anyone that learns the truth" Jade says "Who gave you that order? I demand to know now I have the final say so who dares to give these orders behind my back!?" The Proffesor says "The one in charge your boss"

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