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 Nightmare says "I have faith that your goals will come true" The queen says "Of course they will because me and him belong together" Nightmare says "I coulden't agree more my Queen" Jones managed to complete the Wolf project in only five hours restoreing the mighty Wolf in a new body able to utilize the full extent of Wolf's power. However Jones also improved it further as a result Wolf's base form power and abillity was as powerfull as his previous full might due to this he was someone that could counter even John. With, Wolf, Alice, Planet Destroyer and Flare they had four indivuals that could rival the mighty John however Jones desigined and built a training simulater that could rapidly train the user. After using this Flare learned to completely utilize her power and abillity reaching a brand new level Jones also made devices to help the others tap into their hidden potentail bringing them all to that same level due to this Jade was left behind as the weakest. Jade went into the records of Savage's past actions she was curious as to what he did in his youth Jade learned about the Forgotten Era the Despair Gang Mega Broly as well as the Legend of the long forgotten Hero John and his friends learning about their struggles and battles then she found a horrible secreat which caused her to enter shock she says "No it can't be" Jade learned that Savage was the mastermind behind the Forgotten Era and the era of John from behind the scenes he manipulated the events and history to unfold in his own twisted amusement. Jade knew that Savage was once the most ruthless and cruel indivual but to cause all of that misery for his amusement it was on another level.

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