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 Instantly with a single gut punch Savage left Jason on the verge of death Jason says "Please have mercy" Savage lifts up his hand just like Jason did with a smile on his face Jason begs for mercy Jade says "Savage don't!" he stops then says "Why?" Jade says "He said so many terrible things about women it won't be right unless a woman beats his ass and shows him the truth" suddenly a voice says "I coulden't agree more" Savage blocks an infinite number of sword slashes from close range as a girl appeared face to face with him the girl says "Your quite skilled to block so many attacks in a second" Savage says "Who are you?" the girl says "You'll learn soon enough" she takes Jason and leaves Savage then walks towards the wounded Jade the little girl blocks his path and says "Don't come near my mom" Savage says "Oh what if I do?" The girl says "I'll stop you" Savage lifts up his hand like before however instead of a slap he affectionately gives her a head pat then vanishes appearing right before Jade who says "How did you?" Savage says "I obviously knew she's my daughter after all" Jade pouts slaps Savage's hand away as she gets up by herself she says "I didn't think you cared it's been a few years and you've alrady married her and haven't visited once" Savage says "I need to talk to you" Jade says "I don't have anything to say to you go be with her and don't interfere with our lives anymore" Savage tries to say something but Jade says "You smell like her as well so just go already I can't stand that smell"

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