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Jade's expression turns to rage she says "No he would never do something like this not behind my back at least he's not that type of person anymore so your lying!" Jade goes to kill the Proffessor when her hand is caught by Savage who suddenly appeared he smiles and says "I can't allow you to ruin the project" Jade says "Why would you do this behind my back?" Savage says "Because I am trying to fix things Wolf was an exceptional indivual but had so much wasted potental that I intend to have tapped into a new Wolf built from the remains of the old" Jade says "Why?" Savage says "Because of Scarlet she is the only one of you without someone important so this will change that" Jade says "Fine I won't stop your work" Scarlet says "Thank you Mr Savage sir" Savage says "Don't mention it oh and have Jones work on this take care" Savage vanishes Savage goes to Hell and kneels before an Alter where the single most powerful woman sits Queen of all the Infinite Omniverses. Then Savage reveals his true form as Nightmare he says "My Queen it is done as you instructed" the lady says "Good and what's the status of the others?" Nightmare says "Cloey and her group are continueing to increase their numbers and strength" the lady says "And what of him?" Nightmare says "Savage is still in the same situation" the lady says "Good looks like everything is going acording to plan" Nightmare says "Why do you continue to pursue him when your already Queen of all the Infinite Omniverses?" the lady says "Because he belongs only to me I won't allow anyone else to be with him right now he is not yet how he should be but he will return to his rightful place as the king of all it's only a matter of time"

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