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However the mother did not accept of this love and had the mortal delt away with and cursed the soul to be killed soon after reincarnation so that if he ever returned he'd die. Well it is belived that the princess gave her blessing to the mortal's soul to protect them in hopes that one day they'd become powerful enough to be approved by all. This was the extremely classified version almost all of the Omniverses and universes taught a small bit of this just enough that they could have the rough idea. The exsistence of the True Nightmare was also highly classified the teacher gave the class this highly classified version. Upon finishing they looked amoung the rag tag class Origin Savage says "I already knew this it was common sense" The Instructor says "Maybe for you smartass but not everyone is as intelligent as you are" Origin Savage was perhaps the greatest soldier the organization ever had his skills and fighting abillity alone made him valuable. However combined with his overwhelming might he was already one of the most valueable not to mention his unrivaled crafting abillity that abillity alone was priceless. He was one of a kind the downside was his personality and reputation that rivaled his worth then there was the issue of his extra baggage. Omni Angel and Omni Vlad they were naturally skeptical and doubting this team's worth but also did not want to have to deal with Origin Savage as it would be annoying. The team were still in the mandatory training stages and reluctantly allowed Origin Savage to return home to visit Jade.

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