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She almost instantly forced him to become Demon Lord Savage however it was still nothing to her so he had to keep powering up. Eventually Perfect Savage took the plate only to lose in might Flare was like a force of nature unstoppable Savage Everlasting fought but was still no match for Flare. So he went all out becomeing Origin Savage they appeared to be evenly matched except Flare could not maintain that immense power and lost Origin Savage reverts to Normal Savage with a smile on his face. Jade says "Don't look at her cheater" Savage says "She is great" the two girl's notice the look in his eyes and smile that fight with Flare motivated Savage to push himself to new heights as he found a rival in Flare. Jade was kinda jealous that she could not be seen as a rival but then realized that she would need to first close that gap between them first and since she's going to become a mother soon she might not get the chance. Especally since the gap between her and Savage keeps widening Jade says "I want to become a rival for you darling" Savage looks away causeing Jade to become wounded she says "You don't think I can do it?" Savage says "I mean we aren't even in the same league but you might be able to" Jade says "I will surpass you someday" Savage says "I won't let you" Jade says "You are not the one who decides my limits" Savage says "I'm not trying to I am simply faceing facts" Jade says "What facts?"

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