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They trade blows a few times before Emma realizes that she has no hpe of victory at her current level so she powers up and continues the fight. However she finds herself struggleing to keep up Emma says "Your tough let's see how tough you really are!" Emma goes all out and attacks however she is no match for John who soon goes for a sword slash only to get attacked with Energy Attacks John blocks with both swords Emma looks to find her mother Jade says "We need to work together if we want to have any chance of beating him" Emma nods then says "Ok let's win this together!" Emma and Jade start attacking John in a two on one fight however John keeps up with them and keeps them on the defense and offense. However soon they knock the swords out of his hands and grab them Jade says "I can't believe this" Emma says "They are so heavy" both of them were struggleing just to hold the swords using them would be a lot harder and considering how John was using them it was clear the vast gap between them. They discarded the swords and kept on the attack however John was gradually getting used to his body and the fight was quickly becomeing one sided in a desprate last attempt the two girls unleashed a full power mother daughter Energy Attack. However John brushed it off and says "Not good enough!" John attacked and swiftly beat them both they tried to fight but John easily broke their arms then their legs.

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