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John says "What about my..." Savage says "After everything is said and done I shall revive all of your companions and all those tragic ends can finally have happy endings in this new era" John says in disbelif "Really?" Savage says "Of course my boy" inside of Savage's training chamber one could fit an entire eternity in the short span of an hour and a half. Savage and John spent thirty years inside this training chamber after that they left it. John was at the very limits of his body's potentail and was skilled enough to go head to head with Savage however John lacked the experience so he needed to obtain it. While in that training chamber the two bonded and became like a father and a son as John was like the son Savage always wanted but never knew he wanted and Savage was like the father John always needed the ideal father type. John was tasked with building the combat experience well he did Savage kept his word and in their home universe all those that had tragic and sad ends were allowed to have the chance at happy endings. Which was easy since discrimination of races and all the other things that made their first lives impossible for a happy ending were long gone a thing of the past allowing them all to easily realize those happy endings. They still had work ahead of them though as things still had room for improvement soon after the epic fight between John and Savage took place.

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