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(A/N: I don't own the image above, and I seriously wish I was a better illustrator 😭)

~1-800-273-8255 - Logic (feat. Alessia Cara and Khalid)~

In a rundown apartment in the southern part of North Hollywood, there lived a 22 year old author who was barely getting by in life. Esperanza Lopez had no friends, her family had abandoned her only a year ago, and she was left to fend for herself. She unfortunately chose to find the cheapest apartments to live in, and once she did, she regretted it. Her neighborhood was crawling with thugs, alcoholics and drug addicts, all of who harassed, threatened and stalked her, the police in the area being neglectful, dirty cops that didn't want to get involved. Her job as a retail clerk was just as bad - all her coworkers hated her, sabotaging her work, taking credit for the things she did right, and reveling in her stress and frustration. Her bosses believed them over her since she has only been at the store for a little under a year, constantly berating her and docking her pay and hours half the time, and she found it lucky that she was even still allowed to work there, even if they had hired her on the spot despite her lack of work credentials and college education.

Esperanza was miserable. There was barely any joy in her life anymore, only finding solace in watching recorded animes on YouTube and writing fanfictions about those animes. She favored romance stories, though often added dark scenes in her stories as a way to reflect her own unhappiness, and mainly wrote stories of dimension traveling. One of her recent stories in her social reading app was about My Hero Academia, which had recently finished streaming its final season, and she had binged the entire thing in one week.

Now, here the young author sat in her bed, a laptop in front of her in the middle of the night with the light of the screen reflecting off her glasses. Esperanza glared at the laptop in deep thought - she had been trying to wrack her brain for new ideas, having not updated her story in a few days, and it deeply bothered her. Her stories were her pride in life. If she couldn't come up with something to write, what other purpose did she have? She growled under her breath, hating her writer's block and just wanting to publish a new chapter for the night.

Suddenly, her phone began to ring from beside her. Esperanza huffed and picked it up, having an idea who it was and not liking that they were disturbing her. She groaned in annoyance when she saw that she was right. It was Kaitlyn - a coworker of hers who often used and manipulated her and their other coworkers. Kaitlyn was the work force's version of a teacher's pet. The bosses loved her for some reason, and she used it to her advantage. She would often call off work, take long breaks, come to work high or smoke on the job. She especially was capable of convincing the bosses to fire someone, telling them any small lie to get whoever crossed her out of the job. Kaitlyn also had a habit of getting drunk at a bar near Esperanza's home, calling her in the middle of the night and having her bring her to Esperanza's home so she could stay the night, often too drunk or lazy to return to her own home.

Esperanza turned off and closed her laptop, setting it aside on her bed before getting up and answering the call. "Yeah, Kaitlyn, I'm on my way to get you right now." She sighed in exasperation, too tired for this shit, but not wanting to lose her job. "Aww, Espie~ You're the best~" Kaitlyn slurred over the phone before letting out a small yelp and a giggle, the sound of her phone falling to the ground being the last thing Esperanza heard before the call ended, indicating that it might have broken.

Esperanza scowled as she grabbed her small purse that held only her keys, wallet and a pack of gum, shoving her phone in it as well before slinging it over her shoulder and pulling on her worn out sneakers. She hated the nickname 'Espie' as much as she hated her current life - which was saying something because Esperanza isn't one to easily hate things. She had to deal with it though, not having many options available to help her live a better life. The young author left her apartment, simply locking the door knob before jogging to and down the stairs. In her exhausted state, she had forgotten to grab her skateboard to make traveling faster, but she was too irritated already to go back and get it.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now