U.A. Sports Festival Pt. 2

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"The U.A. sports festival first-year stage qualifier! The first game is an obstacle course race! It's a cruel chicken race where anything goes as long as you stay on course!" Mic reexplained, sweeping his arm out and nearly hitting Aizawa in the head if he hadn't ducked in time. "Hey." He scolded, but Mic continued. "We'll bring you the exciting scenes with camera robots set around the course!" "You don't need me, do you?" Aizawa said, Mic speaking over him. "Now then- Can the golden eggs aiming to be future heroes get through the mass of Robo Infernos?!" He exclaimed. "The first one through the first barrier is Shoto Todoroki from Class 1-A!" He announced, and the screen went from Shoto running to the collapsed robot, Kirishima breaking through it with his quirk active and making Mic yelp. "Kirishima from Class 1-A was underneath! That's crazy!" He shrieked, and Tetsutetsu suddenly broke through near Kiri as well, looking pissed off. "Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B was also underneath! That's crazy!" Mic added.

From within the large mass of students, Katsuki propelled himself up and over the robots with his explosions, wanting to move forward instead of helping the others. "Class 1-A's Bakugou! Since the bottom's blocked, he goes overhead! Clever!" Mic exclaimed. Right behind Katsuki were Sero and Tokoyami, and the crowd cheered for them. "... Class 1-A doesn't spend a lot of time standing around. Those who experienced firsthand that the world above them through the incident at USJ... Those who had fear planted in their hearts... Those who dealt with it and pulled through... They all use that experience to drown out their hesitation." Aizawa explained, and I nodded in agreement. Though USJ had been my first big fight, my Hero License Exam had been a good experience for me so I wouldn't hesitate in an actual fight. With these kids' training and their first fight against villains, this trial is practically nothing to them. From the screen, it was shown the robots collapsing after being hit by Momo's cannon fire, and the stalled students all charged ahead now that the path was clear.

"Hey, hey! The first barrier's a piece of cake? Then what about the second? If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl! It's 'The Fall'!" Mic shouted, and immediately Tsu leapt onto one of the ropes, easily crawling across it. Hatsume then followed with her self-made support items, and everyone charged forward as well. "A lot of different people are working hard for their chance, huh, Eraser Head?" Mic asked, and Aizawa got an irk mark. "What are you idiots stopping for?" He questioned in annoyance. "And now the leader of the pack is easily getting through first!" Mic announced, the screen showing Shoto hopping off his ice covered rope and running to the stairs, looking back to see Katsuki in the air behind him. "That's so uncool!" Mic exclaimed at the sight of Iida balancing on a rope while using his quirk. "The lead pack is a step ahead, but below them, everyone's clumped together! They haven't announced how many people will make it through, so you can't relax! Push forward!" Mic added, giving everyone a view of the other students. In a brief camera sweep, I saw Izuku crawling on a rope, hanging upside down with his robot shield on his back.

"And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality here is... that it's a minefield! It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So you have to exploit your eyes and legs! By the way, these land mines are for games, so they're not that powerful, but they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants!" Mic explained, and I tensed for a second at the words 'so that', memories of my mother's condescending tone surfacing before I forced myself to relax. "That depends on the person." Aizawa told Mic, and soon, students were blasted into the sky, pink clouds rising from the ground where they accidentally stepped. The screen showed Shoto in the lead, Katsuki quickly launching himself to him before trying to hit him with one of his explosions. "And now, we've got someone new in the lead! Rejoice, mass media! It's the kind of development you guys love!" Mic announced, the crowd cheering with him. "Hey, hey, hey, the rest of the pack is also speeding up! However! Even as they push and pull at each other, can the two at the top remain in the lead?" He added, the screen doing another sweep before going back to Shoto and Katsuki's dog fight.

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