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(A/N: I don't own the pics, but I have to say, Johnny Depp is fucking awesome-)

~Cheerleader - Omi~

I spent the rest of the day training in my Halfling forms while wearing my new hero costume. Sera was lenient enough to help me fill up the gas canisters and poison injectors. Thankfully, I had my utility belt set up so I could have three different types of poisons ready for battle - a yellow paralysis poison, a purple mildly toxic poison, and a blue sleep poison. I have two gas canisters and a pouch for each poisons. The canisters were easy to fill since I just had to breathe into them, but the liquid poison was hard to let out. They only secrete from my teeth and talons when they're sinking into something, so I embarrassedly had to ask for a sponge from one of the sidekicks, explaining that I was going to bite into it so Sera's poison could come out. Sera explained that she can release different kinds of poison and in different levels, but offered me only paralysis, mild and sleep poison for battle. The mild was only for emergencies, though, considering that it can make people really sick.

Since Sera and Shadow have more stamina and endurance than me, I wasn't as tired compared to the previous few days of training. So, when Keigo and I returned home, his feathers carrying my hero costume case while my dress shirt and pants were folded in my arms as he carried me bridal style, we were able to properly spend time with each other before bed. We had dinner together and talked about my training and his patrol, basically how our day went, and after we were done eating, he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck as I washed our dishes. We then went to our separate rooms to get ready for bed. I tossed my clothes in my hamper, reminding myself that I need to wash my laundry soon, and kept my costume case in front of my shoes shelf. I took a shower then dressed in underwear, socks and shorts - Keigo liked me wearing his shirts to sleep, usually with just my underwear, but I felt like I should wear shorts tonight. I smiled in amusement when I walked into his room and he pouted at my shorts, but he helped me into one of his large shirts before pulling me in a cuddle in his bed. As we were falling asleep, Keigo leaned close to my ear and whispered to me. "I have the day off tomorrow, dove, so I'll be taking you out on that date I promised you. I'll show you around my hometown and to my favorite spots all day, and when we get home at night, I'll make love to you." He told me as he ran a hand down my side, giving me goosebumps and making me smile sleepily. "I can't wait..." I murmured, then slipped into darkness.

When I opened my eyes, I was slightly surprised by my surroundings. I was in my childhood home, a rundown apartment a couple miles east of Los Angeles. I often dreamt of being back here in my previous life, but I was curious about who I was going to speak to if I was here. My chest tightened in anxiety at the thought that it might be my mom, but I didn't see anyone yet. I was in the second bedroom, which my siblings had stayed in before they moved out and I had shared it with my eldest sister - since there were only two bedrooms, I grew up sleeping on the living room couch. I left the room and checked my parents' old bedroom, but it was empty, so I went to the living room. I froze in shock when I saw who was there. Sitting patiently on the couch with a warm smile on his face was my dad. He looked the same way he did when I was in elementary school - slim from when he was recovering from his first stroke, which I currently appreciated because he had become unhealthily skinny before he had passed away. He was also without his thin-framed glasses, but he seemed to see me just fine without it, though him and I were both near-sighted in our past lives.

"Dad?" I called out, feeling my throat tighten and tears well my eyes as I was so close to crying. Dad's smile widened as he chuckled. "Hey there, Super Chickers. Well, I guess you really are super now with your new life and powers." He greeted, and I sobbed when he had called me by the nickname he had for me. He called me 'Super Chickers', an alternative of 'Chicky', because of how resilient I was to stay alive. Apparently, after I was born, I had gotten sick with an unknown illness and could have died. Then, I nearly drowned twice as a toddler, and my parents, siblings and I nearly died in a terrible car accident in my 5th grade year. It always made me feel special and strong when he called me that, but I just felt grief and longing now that he was here.

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