Brother / Names

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(A/N: I don't own the pics)

~Legend - 21 Pilots~

It was a little past 5 pm when Keigo and I returned home. Like yesterday, Keigo had to carry me as we flew home because I was too exhausted from my all-day workout. I at least had enough energy to eat dinner and wash myself off in my own restroom this time. Keigo ate and showered as well, then waited for me to crawl into bed and cuddle with him. As I fell asleep, I felt him drape his wing over me, trail his fingertips on my back and kiss my head softly. I managed to murmur an 'I love you' to him before I sank into dreamland.

When my eyes opened, I was in an empty restaurant. As I looked around in confusion, I realized it was the Red Robin's that my family used to go to in West Covina. I walked towards the booth seats in the back of the restaurant, and found my brother sitting in one of the booths, looking at the table solemnly. "Raymond?" I called, feeling myself become happier in his presence. Raymond and I were the most alike, though he was more sociable and comedic than me. That trait of his only made me more comfortable and happy around him - despite how depressed and lonely I felt in my past, Raymond could always get me to laugh and have fun.

Raymond looked up in surprise before tearing up, immediately standing to give me a bear hug. "Chicky, you're here...! I'm so sorry...!" He cried, and I laughed shakily, feeling like I wanted to cry, too. "It's okay, big bro." I tried reassuring him, but he shook his head and held me tighter. "No, I should've been there for you. I should have checked up on you. I'm so sorry you were left alone like that-" He rambled. "Raymond, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. I should've sought out help sooner rather than let Mom treat me the way she did. I just couldn't leave her when she was the only parent we had left, and I didn't want to burden anyone else when I was already doing that to Mom." I interrupted him softly, rubbing his back soothingly yet a bit awkwardly due to how tall and bulky he was, my fingertips barely reaching the center of his back.

"Come on, let's sit down. Tell me how you and Reyna have been doing." I ushered him to the booth he had been sitting in. I sat across from Raymond, who had soon calmed down and was smiling a bit. "Well, we've been okay besides that we've been mourning you and getting upset with Mom. Uh, there's also a surprise." He began, his smile slowly widening into a grin. "Oh, what is it?" I asked in slight excitement and curiosity, leaning towards him in anticipation. "Reyna's pregnant." He told me, and my jaw dropped in shock before I cheered, throwing my hands up in the air. I got up to hug him, tears in my eyes from how happy I was. "Oh my god, congratulations, Raymond! How far along is she? Do you guys know what the gender is yet? Which one would you guys prefer? Have you picked out names?" I questioned giddily as I sat back down, and I wiped my eyes as Raymond laughed. "Thanks, Chicky. She's only 10 weeks in the pregnancy, so we don't know the gender yet. Reyna wants a boy, but I'm hoping for a girl. We're fine with either one, though. And we're planning on naming the boy Jude Sunsinger while the girl would be Rhiannon Moondancer." He told me, and I nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get your preference. You don't want to end up like how Dad was with you. I'd say that it'd also be bad luck if you had a boy and passed down the 'Raymond' name since you, Dad and Tata got sick with diabetes, but with both you and Reyna having diabetes, the baby is most likely going to get it no matter the gender." I said contemplatively, remembering the stories of when Dad would discipline Raymond almost viciously, and when we grew up watching him get more and more sick before dying in a hospital bed. Although I haven't seen him since I was a child, apparently my paternal grandfather ended up really sick like Dad, too. "Those names are beautiful, though. The middle names are kinda giving me Native American vibes. Though, did you reference 'Jude' from Uncle Chunky or the song 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles? And the name 'Sunsinger' from the fighting rank in the game 'Destiny'?" I added, teasing him at the end. 'Uncle Chunky' was one of our mother's many half siblings - I honestly don't remember why he was nicknamed that. Raymond laughed sheepishly. "Sort of. I was going for a more hipster vibe." He replied jokingly, and I laughed as well.

I then let the realization hit me, making me sad again. "I wish I could be there to see your baby. I hope it's a little girl, too. I would've liked to have a niece to spend time with." I said quietly, smiling though I was getting tears in my eyes again. Raymond's expression dropped as well, and he stood to hug me. I stood up with him, finding it too awkward for him to hug me while I was sitting since he was so tall. "I wish you could be here, too, but it'll be okay. Hopefully, if Reyna and I have another daughter, we'll name her after you. If we can't, then we'll just tell our kid all about you, their wonderful auntie." He told me, choking up as he tried to keep himself from crying. I sniffled as my tears fell onto his chest, the both of us hugging each other tighter. "I love you, big brother. Please take care of yourself, and I hope you, Reyna and your baby end up okay." I whimpered, pressing my face further into his chest - I don't want to leave. "I love you, too, baby sister. We'll be okay. Take care of yourself, too, okay?" He cried, and I nodded with a sob, the dream fading away as I felt him kiss my head as a final goodbye.

When I woke up, Keigo was shushing me softly and rubbing my back comfortingly. I had been clinging onto him in my sleep again and crying into his chest, but thankfully I wasn't feeling as terrible as I had been the night before. "Are you awake, Angel?" He asked quietly, and I hummed while nodding, pulling away so I could wipe my face. Keigo pulled back as well, reaching behind him to his side table to grab me some tissues. "You did good for most of the night. What happened? Who'd you see?" He asked as I blew my nose a bit, a few of his feathers taking the soiled tissues away to the trash once I was done with them. "I saw my brother. We did do okay for the most part. He told me he and his wife were having a baby, and we got sad that I wouldn't be there to see them when they're born." I explained with a sad smile.

Keigo caressed my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, gazing at me solemnly. "Even though you were alone in your last moments, you're still leaving a lot behind, huh?" He said quietly, and I chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, but as much as I love my siblings, my nephew and my new baby nephew or niece, I don't want to return to my old life where they were the only non-toxic people in it." I replied, closing my eyes and nuzzling into his hand. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" Keigo spoke a bit hesitantly, like he was afraid of how I would react to his question. I hummed in agreement, just trying to enjoy the feel of him at the moment. "Can you tell me your real name, and your family's names? I was curious when we were doing your identification documents, but after what you said, I didn't ask because it seemed like a sensitive topic to you." He said, and I looked at him with a warm smile. "Kei, I don't mind you asking. I just didn't want the names on my file because we'd probably get in trouble for false information. That, and my family aren't in this world - there's no point mentioning their names and my old name when I have a new life." I told him, shrugging a bit at the end.

"Well, my real name is Esperanza Lopez - I had basically changed it to the Japanese translation when we met since I figured I shouldn't have a Spanish origin name in Japan. My dad's name was Ron Lopez, and my brother was named after his middle name - Raymond. My mom's name was Gina, her maiden name Chacon. My eldest half sister was Rochelle Valdez, taking the last name of her biological father. My second sister was Nichole Lopez, her son being Gianni Berganza, taking the last name of his biological dad. My brother's wife was Reyna, and they were planning on naming their baby either Jude Sunsinger if it was a boy or Rhiannon Moondancer if it was a girl." I explained.

Keigo hummed as he looked at me thoughtfully. "Esperanza..." He murmured slowly, and I got goosebumps from how my old name rolled off his tongue so smoothly. "That sounds pretty. It means 'hope', too?" He added, and I nodded at his question. "Yeah, my first and last names mean 'hope' and 'wolf'." I told him, and he brushed my hair behind my ear, looking at me lovingly. "So beautiful..." Keigo said softly, and I blushed with a bashful smile, feeling like he was calling me that rather than my name. "Mmm, I think you're the one that's beautiful." I told him, leaning in and rubbing our noses together in an Eskimo kiss. He chuckled and gave me a proper kiss, the hand on my face trailing down to my stomach. "Maybe in the future, we can come up with something similar for our babies..." He whispered against my lips, and I grinned in bashful delight, humming in agreement before kissing him again.

(A/N: the song is from Raymond to Emina, the 'songs' or 'album' mentioned in the song that were still being made correlates with Raymond expecting a child with his wife, but since Emina died, she won't be there for the birth, hence the 'will take too long to finish to show you' line of the song. The 'I look forward to having a lunch with you again' line is- well, I don't want to spoil one of the ending chapters lol.)

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