Attack on USJ Pt. 2

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"I've been waiting, hero. You trash of society." Tomura said. The subordinate villains talked amongst themselves, some intimidated and scared while one tried rallying them, but were all immediately knocked out by All Might, who had swiftly leaped down to strike them. He skidded to a stop next to Aizawa, his hand on the man's back protectively. "Sorry, Aizawa." He apologized, but Aizawa just grunted. "I'm fine. It's Emina who needs help." He told him. All Might stood and looked at his students and colleague, his eyes gleaming before he swiftly took them away from the Nomu and Tomura, making them yelp in shock. As he did, he sent a quick punch to Tomura, knocking the hand on his face off. All Might set the students down on his left, and set Emina down on his right, passing her to Aizawa. Aizawa held Emina to him by her shoulders, and she grunted as she held her hands to her chest, looking at All Might with her squinting left eye, her right eye closed since blood was dripping onto it. All Might was crouched on her other side, a gentle hand on her back.

"Huh? Huh?! What?" Mineta asked in confusion. "Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Young Ōkami to you." All Might ordered. "I'm not crippled. I'm fine." Emina grumbled, but the students agreed with him. "It's no good... It's no good... It's no good... I-I'm sorry, Otō-san." Tomura murmured fearfully, stumbling before kneeling to put the hand back on his face. Despite feeling Sera's anger towards him surging through her, Emina couldn't help looking at Tomura sadly as he sighed in relief. Had they not been in a fight- had circumstances been different, she would have pulled him into a big, tight hug and told him how much she, his mother, his sister and his grandparents loved him. Earlier, she was so tempted to call him "otōto", but held herself back, not wanting to disturb Aizawa during the fight. Then she remembered what he had said while the Nomu was holding her down. 'All For One wants to see me...? Nah. He can go fuck himself.' Emina thought in bitter anger, her body temperature rising at the mere thought of the ancient villain. Sera let out a hissed snarl in her mind as her body tensed, the dragon wanting to continue the fight despite the fact they were injured and had been told to retreat.

"He hit me as he was saving them. It's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. Reverie was the same when she went to protect that boy. I guess it's true, after all... that he's getting weaker, and she's holding back." Tomura murmured to himself before grinning in maniacal amusement. Aizawa had one of Emina's arms draped over his shoulders, carefully holding her to him by her forearm and the belt on her hips. "I can walk, it's just my hands that broke, 'zawa." She continued grumbling, but he ignored her, holding her close to keep her from wandering off. It was pointless since she was still in Sera's form, the dragon perfectly capable of overpowering him even while injured, but he knew they wouldn't fight him. "All Might, you can't. That brain villain took One Fo- He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch. He even overpowered Emi-sensei! He's gotta be-" "Young Midoriya!" All Might interrupted him, then looked at the boy with his signature grin and a peace sign over his face. "It's fine!" He reassured, and Izuku hesitated. "Let's go already." Emina muttered, and with her not protesting either, Izuku followed her and Aizawa back to the front doors, trusting that All Might will be fine as his classmates walked alongside him. 'All Might.' Sera called telepathically, making the hero perk up, and thoughts swiftly rushed through his head about the Nomu, warnings and advice on how to fight the creature. All Might grunted and held his head from the sudden rush, then looked at Emina, who was glancing back at him with her one purple eye before she looked away.

He nodded in understanding before going to charge Tomura, who had stood and faced All Might. "Carolina..." "Nomu." "... Smash!" All Might yelled, doing a cross-slash with his hands, but the Nomu shielded Tomura again. He went to grab him, but All Might immediately ducked. "It seriously has no effect at all, huh?!" He said as he punched Nomu's gut, then maneuvered around as he tried to grab him again. "In that case-" He tried punching Nomu's head, but it didn't do any damage, the Nomu roaring at him before charging at him as he leaped back. "It doesn't work on his face either, huh? Young Ōkami was right." All Might said to himself before skidding to a stop, punching Nomu in the chest as he stopped in front of him. "It doesn't work because of shock absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though." Tomura told him with his arms spread as All Might dodged again. "Thanks for telling me that, but Young Ōkami already let me know! If that's true, then it's easier for me." He replied, picking up Nomu from behind before throwing him back in a suplex move, a large plume of dust and wind picking up from the impact. "Hey, hey." Tomura protested as he shielded himself from the wind with his arms.

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