U.A. Sports Festival Pt. 4

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At the student and faculty entrance, I knew that Shoto would be talking with Izuku. Meanwhile, All Might would be trying to speak with Endeavor. I didn't want to interrupt either conversation, so I stopped by a vending machine to get myself a bottle of water. I sighed as I popped it open, taking a sip before zipping open my purse and pulling out my pain medicine bottle. I poured out two pills before putting the bottle away, then popped a pill in my mouth, intaking more water before swallowing with my nose scrunched in discomfort. 'Ugh, I hate taking pills.' I grumbled, but took the other pill anyway. My period pain was creeping back up, giving me abdominal cramps and a slight headache from all the stimulation during the festival. With the last pill taken, I took a moment to chug down the rest of the water, then threw the bottle away as I began walking through the halls again.

"Heeey, Emi~!" I paused as I looked ahead, seeing Nemuri and Mic waving enthusiastically at me while holding some food. "Hey, guys. Is Aizawa sleeping in the booth?" I asked with a smile as I walked up to them, and Mic sighed dramatically. "Yeah, how boring! Anyway, we know you're on your 'red week', so we got you some food from the booths outside for lunch! Come eat with us before the festival starts up again!" He said with a grin, and I coughed in my fist with a blush while Nemuri smacked his arm. "Don't go saying that so casually! No one has to know about that!" She scolded him before wrapping an arm around my shoulder, holding a platter of yakiniku out to me as she led me away. "Here, Emi-chan. Have some meat. The beef is good for you, and I know your quirks are craving it." She told me soothingly, and my eyes sparkled as I took the platter, giving a quick thanks before scarfing the meat down.

After the hour passed with eating, chatting, and a moment to change in the restroom, Nemuri and I parted ways with Mic - Mic going back to the booths while I went out to the field with Nemuri. My stomach churned from nerves as I slouched a bit and wrung my hands, my heart racing with anxiety as my eyes darted around. "Don't worry, Emi-chan. You'll be fine." Nemuri reassured as she rubbed my shoulder, and I took a deep breath with a nod, letting Shadow seep through into her Halfling form to help shove down the social anxiety and impress the audience.

"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too! We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up!" Mic began, but he and Aizawa paused in astonishment. "Huh? What are they doing?" Aizawa questioned. "What's the matter, Class A? What kind of fan service is that?" Mic demanded to the Class A girls, who were upset and flustered for having been tricked by Mineta and Denki. "All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one! And with Midnight, our special guest and very own assistant teacher from Class A, Reverie, will be acting as a referee! Let's give her a hand, folks!" Mic announced, and I bashfully smiled as I waved at the audience. However, I flinched slightly when I heard their loud cheers, even hearing a few of them praising me with 'I love you's and 'you're amazing's. I was gaping a bit in shock at their enthusiasm, but felt my chest lighten from it. I laughed and waved more cheerfully at them, feeling my tail wag from how happy I was from their acceptance of my presence. "Thanks for having me here, everyone!" I greeted, my voice echoing through the stadium as my earbuds were temporarily connected to the sound system, and I received more cheers from them.

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength. Now, from the first place team-" "Um...! Excuse me." Ojiro raised his hand and spoke up, interrupting Nemuri. "I'm withdrawing." He said, shocking his classmates. "Ojiro, why?" Izuku asked. "This is a rare chance for pros to see you!" Iida reminded, but Ojiro looked down with uncertainty. "I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's quirk." He explained, and I looked at him with a sympathetic frown before glancing scoldingly at Shinso, who had looked away from the crowd indifferently. "I know that this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it..." he continued. "Ojiro..." Izuku murmured. "But- Everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened." Ojiro said, and Hagakure waved her pompoms around. "You're worrying too much about it! You should just make sure you produce results in the finals!" She told him. "If you're gonna say that, I didn't do anything either." Mina added, trying to reassure him, but he just covered his face with his hand. "That's not it... I'm talking about my pride here... I can't... Also, why are you guys wearing cheerleader outfits?" He replied, making the girls flinch with a nervous gulp.

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