Sera's Halfling Form Pt. 2 / Intimate

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(A/N: Tried putting a sexy pic of Kei, but Wattpad wasn't having it 😭 enjoy this quote pic instead. I don't own it.)

~Love Lies - Khalid n Normani~

Keigo went to sit on the bench of the bench press, watching Emina as she spoke with Sera in her mind. 'Let us first have you learn to fly. This room has plenty of space for you to hover at the very least.' Sera suggested, and Emina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 'How am I supposed to do that?' She asked, making Sera huff at her. 'You are intelligent, hatchling. Use your knowledge to guide you.' She told her, and Emina pursed her lips. 'Okay...' She thought slowly, getting the idea that her quirks aren't actually going to show her the ropes.

Emina wracked her brain of all the memories she had of animals or fictional characters that had wings flying. The main one she focused on was Keigo, having seen him fly enough times in person to get an idea of how it works. She first tried getting a feel of moving her wings, which was actually easy for her - they were just an extension of herself and moved in the exact way she wanted them to, unfurling and stretching to their complete wingspan. Ready to test her flight, she braced herself in the case that she falls as she raised her wings before flapping them, an updraft slowly forming around her as she moved her wings harder. She felt her feet lift off the ground, making her heart race in fear and excitement, but she did her best to focus on staying airborne and not falling on her face. She grinned as she managed to get close to the ceiling, steadying the strength and pace of the beats of her wings so she doesn't fall or go any higher.

"Way to go, Angel!" Keigo cheered from below as he clapped for her, and Emina lost focus for a split second to look at his proud expression with her joyfully excited one. 'Stay focused, hatchling. Our mate's attention can wait.' Sera reminded her firmly, and Emina nodded. Her next goal was to fly around without falling or hitting the ceiling or walls, so she carefully angled herself and her wings forward, making her move forward slowly. She was beginning to get confident, so she tried going faster at a gradual pace. Soon, she was flying around the room at a fast yet casual pace, a big grin on her face as Keigo cheered for her again. 'You see, hatchling? You do not need as much guidance from Shadow nor I. We are a part of you - our forms should be natural for you.' Sera told her in proud approval.

With her flight achieved, Emina slowed herself and carefully landed, Keigo rushing to embrace her once she did. "That was so good, dove! You learned how to fly so easily!" He praised, a grin as big as hers on his face from his proud excitement. "Thanks, Kei. Sera said it was supposed to come natural to me, but I feel like it helped that I've seen you fly before. It gave me an idea of how it works." She replied, giving him a light kiss so she didn't leave lipstick on him. He hummed when she pulled away, bending down to kiss her neck. "K-Kei..." She lightly protested, a moan laced in voice as he began nibbling her. "You're so amazing... God, I'm so lucky..." He murmured against her, making her shiver as her wings trembled. "Our mate..." Sera purred, trilling as she held him to her and lightly pressed her talons against his back.

Keigo let out a shuddered breath at that. "Okay, I can't take this anymore." He muttered. Before Emina could ask what he meant, he lifted her in his arms, making her wrap her arms and legs around him with a startled yelp. He held her flush against his front as he carried her to the bench press, laying her down on it before hovering over her. He kissed her heatedly, not caring that her lipstick will wear off or get on him, and he easily began unbuttoning his jacket on her with one hand, unbuckling and pulling down his pants with his other hand so he was in his boxers. Though Sera trilled in pleasure, Emina gently grabbed his hands, making him pull back from the kiss to let her speak. "Kei, I thought we were going to wait..." She panted, though her purple-black eyes were just as glazed over and hooded from lust as his. "I'm not going to have sex with you. I just need to feel you." He told her as he pulled his hands away, finishing unbuttoning the jacket before tugging her closer, sitting at the foot of the bench as he wrapped her legs around his waist. He began grinding against her through their underwear, and he dipped down to kiss her neck, running his hands over her body as their wings spread wide and trembled from the covered intimacy.

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