Training Pt. 2

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(A/N: I don't own these pics)

~Gimme A Minute - PVRIS~

The elevator dinged as it stopped on the top floor, and out walked the Twice-wannabe sidekick, who usually comes to help Hawks with his paperwork. "Hey, Hawks-" The man fell silent as his boss held a finger up to his mouth before pointing down at his lap, and he just noticed Emina was sleeping on Hawks. He said a silent 'oh', though it wasn't visible besides his chin dropping, and he sat across from Hawks as he was passed some of the paperwork, a feather flying to grab another pen for him. "Does this have something to do with Aqua? She left home early while crying." The sidekick asked quietly, and Hawks sighed softly while pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Great, that's another thing we'll have to have a word about - if she hasn't already prepared her resignation forms yet." He muttered as he let go of his nose to type something on his laptop.

"What happened? Ōkami-san was the last one with her, right?" The sidekick asked, but Hawks shook his head as he turned back to his documents, petting Emina's hair as her nose scrunched up, like she could sense them talking about her in her sleep. She probably could with how light of a sleeper she is, being able to hear people talking from within her dreams at times. "No, I pulled Aqua aside on my way to my office. She had disrespected and tried hurting Emina during their 'training', while Emina just messed with her and scared her a bit." He muttered. "You gave her your feather, right? You sensed everything that went down?" The Twice-wannabe asked, and Hawks nodded, looking pointedly at the feather necklace hanging on his girlfriend's neck before focusing on his work.

"Can you tell me what happened?" The sidekick persisted, and Hawks looked up at him, choosing to hold firm on the trust between him and his colleague that he wouldn't tell the others of what went on in his training room. "Aqua took Emina to my training room and told her to break up with me, claiming that she'd be a better fit than Emina and insinuating that she knew me better just because she's worked here since I started the agency. When Emina denied it, questioning if Aqua even knew my real name - even though it's confidential, Aqua threatened her to leave me. Emina technically started the fight by activating her quirk and shifting into a wolf, but she just chased Aqua around my training room while Aqua attacked her with her quirk and ran from her. Eventually, Emina pinned her and I think gave her a warning - she wasn't saying anything besides growling and threatening to bite Aqua, but when Aqua apologized after a moment, I assumed she could speak telepathically in her full shift. She let Aqua go, and Aqua ran off, probably to her desk station." He explained.

"What?! She threatened your girlfriend and went to your training room without permission?!" The sidekick quietly exclaimed, looking like he was about to jump out of his seat. Apparently, he wasn't quiet enough because when Hawks was about to reply an agreement and that he should set up an authorization system for his office and training room, Emina's eyes flew open and she leaped up to swing at the Twice-wannabe. He dodged, falling back into the couch with a startled yelp as Hawks immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back to sit in his lap, his wings firmly wrapping around her as well in attempt to restrain and calm her.

Emina breathed heavily as her kaleidoscope eyes darted from the sidekick to the red wings around her, not recognizing her surroundings and mistaking the sidekick for Twice. "Hey, hey. Angel, it's alright. You're safe." Keigo murmured in her ear soothingly. She glanced around the room a bit and soon recognized it as his office, then realized that the man in front of them wasn't Twice, but Keigo's sidekick. Keigo's grip on her loosened as she let out a deep breath and relaxed, though her heart was still racing from adrenaline. "Sorry. Forgot where I was for a second there." Emina apologized to the sidekick with a sheepish smile, and Keigo pulled his wings back behind him as he let her scoot off to sit beside him again.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt