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~Third POV~

Izuku was nervous. He was the first to return home after the incident at school, and he reassured his mom multiple times that he was okay, that his injuries were because of his quirk and not the villains. He had explained that Emina had protected everyone until All Might and the other teachers arrived, which relieved his mom some more. However, when Emina returned with Amaya, she seemed subdued, almost empty. "Are you alright?" He and his mother had asked, but she just gave them a weak smile and gestured for them to calm down. "Don't worry, I'm fine." She told them before letting Amaya out of her carrier and going to change into her pajamas. Even though she said that, she clearly wasn't, Amaya even following her around and rubbing up against her like the kitten was even worried. After dinner, Emina just laid staring at the ceiling on her futon, Amaya on her chest as she absentmindedly petted her. Izuku couldn't help watching her, worried for his teacher and friend, but he didn't know how to ask her what was wrong and get her to tell him the truth. By 9 pm, Izuku gave up and went to bed, his mom doing the same as they bid Emina good night.

Emina's mind was a dark swirl of thoughts. She was thinking of everything and nothing - her mother, Keigo, the attack that day, future attacks. More thoughts ran through her head, but she couldn't decipher them. When she went too deep into the thoughts of her mother's and Keigo's anger, she had to force herself to either blank out of think of something else as a distraction, not wanting to break down again. Then there was what felt like a dark veil or a small blanket over her head, making her mind feel like she was in the dark with a small pressure on her head. It made her feel dull yet slightly anxious the whole evening. Her mind briefly wandered back to Keigo. He was the love and comfort in her life after having appeared in this dimension, but after his outburst at the school, she wasn't sure if she was comfortable with him at the moment. She needed time to herself to get over her emotions, yet she also wanted someone there for her in that moment, too. Frustrated and agonized tears dotted her eyes as she laid in the dark, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself as the tears slipped down the sides of her face. She took a couple more deep breaths, and with the exhaustion from the day finally overwhelming her, she soon fell asleep.

However, at 2 am, Emina sat up from her bed on the floor, Amaya letting out a confused 'mrrt' as she hopped off of her. The kitten watched as her owner got up from the futon and went to the nearest windows, muttering incoherent things to herself as she felt around them. When she found the latches, she made sure they were locked before moving on to the bedrooms. Amaya followed worriedly, unsure what was going on with Emina, but didn't know how to handle the situation either. Emina stealthily slipped into Inko's room, her footsteps nearly silent as her dark form searched the room for more windows to lock. When she didn't find any, she slipped back out, Inko none-the-wiser of what was currently happening. Emina went to Izuku's room next, and searched for a window to lock. She felt around the walls, but when she found nothing once she got to his desk, Izuku began to stir in his sleep. He groggily opened his eyes with a confused hum, but flinched with a small, frightened squeak when he saw a person's figure in his dark room. Emina whipped her head to look at him, her eyes a kaleidoscope from the sudden noise, and Izuku could recognize those eyes anywhere. "E-Emi-san?!" He softly exclaimed, startled that she was wandering in his room so late at night. The two colors in her eyes melted away as she relaxed, and she lowered her hand from his desk's bookshelf. "Go back to sleep." She murmured to him before leaving his room.

Izuku's heart was racing from the sudden fright, and he couldn't go back to sleep, not when Emina was acting strange. She had seemed upset before bed, and now she's walking around the apartment in the middle of the night? He got out of bed and followed her, noticing how her movements were a bit droopy and sluggish despite how quiet she was. He watched as she checked the locks on the front door, making sure they were securely locked before moving to the mini kitchen. She rummaged through the drawers in search of something, blindly running her hands over everything, and paused as she touched something before pulling it out with a firm grip on its handle. Izuku's heart almost stopped when he saw it was a kitchen knife, and he backed away in fear as Emina went back to her futon. She sat down and stared ahead of her, not doing anything except looking forward and keeping a tight grip on the knife in her hands.

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