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I walked down the street with Izuku dejectedly, the boy struggling to make me feel better as we went back to his home. It was Wednesday, a few days after I returned from my rescue mission for the Commission, and the school faculty had somehow been convinced by class 1-A to let them challenge me to a one-on-one fight with each of them. So, for the two hero-course classes after lunch, I went against each of my students, and was effectively scolded by Recovery Girl again afterwards.


"Aizawa-sensei, Aizawa-sensei! Can Ōkami-sensei do one-on-one battles with us for our basic training?!" "Yeah, we don't know how she fights, and we want to see if we can fight against her!" Aizawa and I heard Mina and Sato request excitedly. Aizawa lazily looked at them from his sleeping bag while my head whipped at them, my eyes wide in shock. "Wait, what? Woah, woah, woah, hold on- You don't want to fight me." I said frantically, waving my hands at them before laughing nervously. Unfortunately, my quirks heard their request as well and began stirring in interest. Aizawa looked at them for a moment, silently thinking before he finally answered. "Since it would be dangerous, let's go to the principal for permission." He told them as he got up and out of his bag, and my jaw dropped at him. "Aizawa!" I hissed, not wanting him to encourage them, and I became more nervous as I felt Shadow getting excited at the prospect of fighting someone, even if they're our students.

To my horror and disappointment, Nezu gave the students permission. "It should be fine as long as Aizawa-san acts as referee. If you get out of line, Ōkami-san, he will erase your quirks and end the match, disqualifying you. However, since you can handle strong attacks, he won't do the same for the students, especially since most of them know when to stop or hold back." He had said, but I sighed heavily, noticing how fired up Katsuki was, only making my quirks more excited. "Hold back? Yeah, my quirks aren't gonna want them to hold back." I muttered as we all went to Ground Beta, me trudging in the back of the group with Aizawa. Aizawa just patted my back comfortingly, though he still kept his indifferent expression. "Remember I'll stop the fight if needed." He said, but I huffed. "And like I said, my quirks won't want you to stop the kids, so I'll be feeling the pain of the hits after all of this." I retorted grumpily, my annoyance clashing with my quirks' elation.

Once we were at the training grounds, the fights went by order of student seating. The goal was to cuff each other - as typical, I acted as the villain in my Halfling forms while the students acted as heroes, which my quirks were completely fine with. The one who gets cuffed first on either or both wrists loses. I easily defeated Aoyama, Hagakure, Jiro, and Mineta since they didn't have strong physical attacks, though Shadow went a little rough on Mineta since he tried groping us. Koda was another easy one - the poor boy couldn't summon any animals for help since my quirks scared them away. With close-combat, Ojiro, Sato, Kiri, and Shoji did well, but I still cuffed them within 10 minutes. Tokoyami also did good with physical combat - he tried going into a dark building to fight me with Dark Shadow, but with just one dominant snarl from Shadow, Dark Shadow whimpered and hid away. Toko was forced to fight me on his own, and I pinned and cuffed him within 5 minutes of that fight. Mina, Tsu, Iida, Ochaco, Sero, and Momo were wily ones, using their quirks to either evade me or try to capture me, but I also cuffed them within 10 minutes. Denki would've done good if he hadn't short-circuited, having immobilized me briefly with his shocks before he became 'dummy yay' from quirk-overuse, and it let me cuff him.

As expected, the first-year big three - Shoto, Katsuki and Izuku - gave me a run for my money. I had to use Sera for the three of them, having only used Shadow for most of the others unless they went on the high ground or in the air. Shoto was powerful, his ice strikes nearly catching Sera and freezing her in place since she wasn't using her top speed, but her physical strength and dragon fire broke his ice. Even if he had decided to use his fire, Shoto wouldn't have been able to stop her, so his only options were to either immobilize Sera or defend himself. A little after 10 minutes, though, Sera got bored of the fight and finally used her top speed, immediately cuffing Shoto when he didn't expect it. Izuku did good - he broke his fingers in attempt to fight back and landed a few good hits. When Sera got up close to him, his fight-or-flight instincts kicked in and he engaged hand-to-hand combat with us. Sera went easy on him, wanting to see how much he improved and be proud of his growth. However, when he grew desperate and nearly broke his arm to land a hard hit on us with One For All, she immediately cuffed him, ending the match.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin