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(A/N: I don't own these 👆)

~She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5~

Emina woke up to the feeling of Keigo kissing her eyes softly before rubbing her cheeks, and she felt they were wet from her crying in her sleep. "Good morning, dove. Are you okay?" He murmured as she opened her eyes to look into his worried golden ones, and she smiled a bit. "Yeah. I just talked to my other sister, and like I said, we get emotional. She, my siblings and our grandmother were apparently nice enough to do a small funeral for me after I died, then scattered my ashes in the ocean since I used to love going there. She also apologized for not being there for me, but what's done is done. I forgave her and wished her and her son well before the dream ended." She replied, shrugging at the end, and he hummed. "That's good. Did your mom not attend the funeral?" He asked, but she scoffed out a laugh. "Let's not talk about her, please." She said dryly before snuggling into his chest, feeling bitter about how much of an ass her mom was, even after she died.

Keigo let the subject drop as he rubbed Emina's back and kissed her head, but he knew what she had meant - her mother didn't go, probably out of spite or was too prideful to ask for her dead daughter's forgiveness. He didn't understand how her own mother could act that way towards her - Emina was so wonderful and kindhearted, yet her mother treated her like she was a disgrace, like she had done so much wrong in the past to deserve the treatment. Emina had said that she was depressed and unmotivated for years after her father's death, but that didn't count as wrong doing to him. It only made him want to care for her more. Keigo held her tighter to him - if she were to ever fall into that state again, he'd do everything in his power to make her happy again instead of bringing her down or letting her wither away like her mother did.

"Kei, what time is it?" Emina asked, her voice muffled as her face was pressed against Keigo's chest from how tight he was holding her. A few of his feathers grabbed his phone from the side table and handed it to him, and he looked at the time with a sigh. "8:30. Ugh, I don't want to go to work." He said before grumbling into her hair, making her giggle. "If it makes you feel any better, I plan on being at your agency all day for training. Maybe you or one of your sidekicks can help me with combat training. Or I can try fully shifting into Shadow this time." She told him, humming in thought at the end, and he hummed as well. "Yeah, that does make me feel better." He agreed, kissing her head again before pulling away and jumping out of bed, making her giggle at how motivated he was to go to work now.

Emina got up as well, going to Keigo's restroom briefly to grab her stuff that were left in there, then went to her own room, pecking his lips as she passed him, and she squealed with a laugh when he smacked her ass and grinned cheekily in response. As she went to her closet, she spotted her phone being charged on her bedside table, her Bluetooth earbuds and credit card laying next to them, and assumed Keigo's feathers had put all the stuff in her jacket pocket away for her. She took her necklace off and put it down on her phone, but paused when she noticed the feather bristle. "I'm going to take a shower real quick. I don't want the water and soap to ruin the chain necklace. And don't say it's stainless steel - I'll put it back on after I'm done. That's why I put it on my phone so I can remind myself. Like I could forget your gift, anyway." She told it, rolling her eyes at the end before picking it up and kissing it. Once it softened, she set it back down and went to her closet, stripping out of her current outfit and tossing them and yesterday's clothes in her hamper. She then went to her dressers, grabbed a set of navy blue plain undergarments, the bra being a sports bra, then grabbed some knee length black shorts, a blue loose shirt, white socks, and a black zipper hoodie. She left her closet with her clothes and hygiene products in her arms and stepped into the restroom, setting them on the counter before going back out to put her earrings and bracelet away.

Emina huffed as she kneeled down to grab the container from underneath her bed, and sat back on her feet as she opened it and put her studs and obsidian bracelet inside of it. She closed the container and bent back down, but as she shoved it under her bed, she jumped startled as a voice sounded at her bedroom door. "Mmm, that's a lovely sight." Keigo crooned seductively, and she quickly sat up to look at him in shock. He was only in a towel, hanging loosely around his hips as his skin, wings and hair were still dripping wet while he leaned against the doorframe, a smug, lustful smirk on his face as he looked down at her. "Jesus, Kei. Did you seriously stop in the middle of your shower just to come look at me?" Emina demanded as she stood up, and he hummed as he walked over to her, his smirk widening as her core pulsed the closer he got. He stopped in front of her, almost chest-to-chest, and she glanced down at his hands with hooded eyes as he caressed her waist, briefly noticing his growing erection as he rubbed her body. "You're so beautiful. Damn, I just want to bend you over the bed and fuck you already." He murmured huskily before bending down to kiss her neck, moaning a bit as he hugged her to him, feeling her flesh against his, her taut nipples on his chest, his boner press against her hips.

"Kei... What about our agreement?" Emina asked in a small moan of her own, hugging him back and slightly moving her hips against him despite her question. Keigo groaned in response before kissing her neck one more time and pulling away. "My next day off is at the end of the week. Can you hold on until then?" He asked. 'Because I barely can.' He thought to himself, literally having to hold everything within him back from ripping off his towel and taking her on her bed. Or in her shower, or his. He wasn't picky. He felt a bit disappointed when she nodded with an innocent look, but he knew how much she wanted him since he sensed her core pulsing and wetting in anticipation for him. "Okay, dove. Soon, I promise." He told her before kissing her, then left her room, planning on switching his shower water from hot to cold.

Emina let out a deep breath, her mind reminding her to breathe even though she was breathing, like her mind just restarted itself after Keigo left in his half-naked glory. Her legs trembled a bit as she walked back into her bathroom, and she grabbed her soaps before stepping into the stall and turning the almost cold water on. After her shower, she simply dried herself and dressed, not bothering to put on her makeup or jewelry once she was done brushing her teeth and hair. She stepped out of her restroom and grabbed her phone and credit card, putting them in her jacket pocket before putting on her feather necklace, then went to her closet to grab her sneakers.

Once she was ready, she walked out of her room and found that she was alone, assuming Keigo was still getting ready. So, she went to make them some breakfast, taking out a few eggs, a stick of butter, some garlic salt and two potatoes along with a pan, grater, peeler and spatula. She quickly peeled the potatoes over the trash bin, letting the peelings fall in as she held the vegetable firmly. When she was done, she sat the peeler in the sink to wash later, rinsed off the potatoes, and grabbed a plate to place them on for a moment as she put a bit of butter on the pan, turning the stove on so it could heat up. As she moved the melting butter to spread it on the pan, Keigo walked out looking curious about the sizzling noise before perking up and sitting in front of her on a stool. "Ooh, what are you making?" He asked excitedly, and she smiled as she lowered the heat and placed the spatula back down, switching to the grater and a potato. "Homemade hash browns and eggs." She replied as she grated the potato, the shreds falling onto the pan in a pile.

Once she was done and it was simmering, Emina flattened the pile with the spatula before grabbing an egg, tapping it with the spatula to carefully crack it open a bit. When she made a hole in the shell, she set the spatula down and separated the egg shell in half, letting the whites fall out first while keeping the yolk in the shell. She briefly grabbed a fork from the drying rack before whisking the yolk a bit, breaking its round form then dumping it on the hash brown as well, adding a bit of garlic salt on top. "What's that method for?" Keigo asked, watching her cook in curious fascination. "The egg holds the hash brown together as it cooks. It's a trick I learned from my mom in high school." Emina explained as she tossed the shells in the bin before picking up the spatula and carefully flipping the food, revealing a light brown side with a bit of cooked egg whites, and put a bit of garlic salt on that side as well. She set the spatula down again and let it cook as she washed her hands briefly, then grabbed another plate to put the cooked hash brown on.

After about two minutes of flipping the food twice more and letting it turn crispy brown, Emina set the hash brown on the plate before putting a bit more butter on the pan, then began making the second one. When it was done, she set it on the other plate the potatoes were previously on, then cooked the rest of the eggs she took out, putting garlic salt on them and plating those as well. She set the spatula down in the sink before washing her hands again, and when she turned back around, she saw that Keigo had already grabbed the plates, having one in front of him with the other next to him. "Someone's excited." Emina chuckled as she grabbed them some clean forks and went to sit with him, handing over his utensil. "It looks great. Thanks for the food!" He said happily before digging in, moaning a bit in pleasure at the taste. "I never thought to make homemade hash browns before, especially like this. It's so good." He mumbled, his voice muffled as he chewed, and she chuckled before she began eating as well.

Once they were done eating, Keigo took the liberty of cleaning the dishes, following Emina's example of cleaning up for the person who cooked. "Well, I know now to just make hash browns instead of buying premade, frozen ones. The homemade one is for sure more nutritious and less expensive, probably. And it tastes better. Maybe with some ketchup or in a homecooked chicken sandwich, it'll have even more flavor. Though, it doesn't taste as good as you." He said, teasing at the end as he finished cleaning and went over to peck her lips. She giggled at his teasing and took his hand to stand from her seat, letting him lead her to the balcony before holding each other tightly and flying to the agency.

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