Day 6

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The first week after the entrance exams was almost over. The days passed by slowly, and my routine was the same as the first day: Keigo and I tag teaming early in the morning to take care of Amaya; him getting ready for work; me staying home while he goes on patrol, cooking some sort of chicken lunch with a side dish before sending him off again with his lunch; then spending the rest of the afternoon reading. I thought to try watching Keigo's live stream channel, but like it was said in the manga, he only airs for a brief moment due to how fast he is. It was amusing enough to tease him about it on the second day, but he was casual about it. At night, he'd come home to a foreign dish for dinner, like spaghetti or chicken alfredo, then we'd take a bath together before going to bed. I've noticed he's been trying to hide his exhaustion, so I'd wash him off before cleaning myself, then have him lay over me in bed, his head on my chest as he rests between my legs with his wings on either side of us. He tried resisting at first, but I insisted stubbornly to let me take care of him. He always falls asleep to me massaging his head and running my fingers through his hair as I softly sing one of my favorite slow songs - funnily enough, the best one to sing is 'The Only Exception' by Paramore. It matches us so well, and he knocks out by the second verse.

However, on the third day, I started getting cabin fever. The Sagittarius in me was awoken with Shadow and Sera, and I quickly grew bored of being in the penthouse. I tried my best not to appear too antsy, but Keigo called me out on it when he came back for his lunch. I guiltily admitted it to him, wishing that I could go on patrol with him or travel around one of Japan's cities with him. He hugged me and reassured me that I can join him to work once Amaya recovers from her illness, that his sidekicks are more than willing to help us watch her as we went on patrol. He added teasingly that we can even race each other on how fast we can arrest villains and help civilians, and I agreed in amusement before thanking him. Luckily, by the fifth day, Amaya had recovered - I took her for a checkup that afternoon at the closest animal hospital, and the primary veterinarian there assured that she was better, even praising me for how healthy and active she seems so far. With that, Amaya and I can now go out to the agency, and I can work with Keigo as a hero.

It's now early morning of March 4, the sixth day since U.A.'s entrance exam. I wasn't sure what woke me - I was barely aware of my surroundings, only noticing that Keigo and I had switched positions so we were hugging each other while laying on our sides, his wing covering us and preserving our body heat. I briefly remembered Keigo saying on the fourth night how much he envied my body warmth, comparing it to a heated blanket, and I agreed in amusement, expressing how my mom would say the same thing when I would offer my warmth to her with my hands or a hug - she would always say that I got that from my dad, that he was always warm like that, too, but I feel like it's a combination of my wolf and dragon quirks that help me stay warm.

Speaking of my wolf quirk, I sensed Shadow stir urgently within me. 'Bitch, get up. We're bleeding.' She said hurriedly, and I felt a fluid begin to leak out of my core. My breath hitched and I quickly yet carefully pulled away from Keigo, getting out of bed to rush to my restroom. "Shit, shit, shit, shit-" I hissed quietly and I sped walked to the bedroom door, but paused when I heard Keigo groan a bit and turn in bed. "Emi...?" He called in a husky murmur. "Go back to sleep, Birdie. I just need to use the restroom." I reassured softly before exiting the room, rushing to my room and restroom. I went to one of the dressers by my sink and opened it, grabbing a pad from one of the packs inside, then hurried to the toilet. I pulled down my underwear and held up my large shirt as I sat down, cringing with a small groan as I felt blood come out of me. I checked my underwear as I tied my shirt in a knot, and felt relieved when I saw there wasn't any blood on it. I took the wrapper off the pad before sticking it on my underwear, glad that it was one of my more sheer ones that I chose to wear instead of lace so the sticky part of the pad doesn't come off from the flimsy fabric.

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