Mythic Hero: Reverie

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~Still Feel. - Half • Alive~

The two continued to cuddle each other for a couple of minutes, settling down and enjoying each other's presence. Keigo had them laying on their sides after Emina insisted on it, not wanting to lay on and hurt his wing. So, he had one wing sprawled behind him and falling off the bed a bit while his other wing covered them like a weighted blanket. She was snuggled into his arms, her front pressed against his with her head tucked under his chin, and one arm was draped over his waist under his wing while the other hugged her own waist, pressed between them. Keigo held Emina firmly to him, and she basked in their body heat, Keigo's wing insulating their warmth like an actual blanket. Even then, they had a thin blanket covering their lower half of their bodies to keep their legs from getting too cold. Keigo sensed Emina beginning to fall asleep, lulled by his presence, the weight of his wing, and her lotion, but also tired from letting her emotions out and the massage he gave her. Though, she was trying to fight her sleep, not wanting to see her family yet and wanting to stay in his comfort. He was tired as well, but wanted to make sure she fell asleep peacefully first.

They both jolted when their phones began ringing, making Keigo sigh in slight annoyance while Shadow growled in Emina's mind, upset from being startled awake. He pulled away from her and sat up, passing her phone to her and reading the caller ID on his, and he frowned when it read 'HSPC President'. "I'll be right back, Angel. I need to take this." He told her, and she nodded before he left the room, hearing her answer her own call. Once he was in the kitchen and couldn't hear her, ensuring their privacy, he answered the call. "Hello?" Keigo greeted. "Hawks. What were you doing today?" The Commission president questioned. "Just traveling a bit. Am I not allowed to do that during my days off anymore? C'mon, boss, I even patrolled a bit because I got bored at one point." He told her in his usual teasing, trying to hide the truth and the fact that he was annoyed that she was questioning him. "Is that so? We've received word that you were traveling with a woman with short hair. I'll commend the both of you for doing your best to be discreet, but some of the public still took notice. Especially when you hugged her to you, kissed her hand, and took her to eat at McDonald's and that ramen restaurant, even letting her use your debit card." She replied firmly, and his facade dropped as he gritted his teeth, hating that they were basically tracking him. "Why are you bringing this up?" Keigo demanded. "I am not going to tell you to stop seeing this girl. I know you won't listen either way. Just be more discreet about it. We don't want to hear more news about another breakup or have villains use her as leverage against you. You are our top asset - I'd hate for you to be taken down because of a woman." The president told him, and he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his composure. "Fine. Anything else?" He questioned. "In fact, yes. It was shown to us that the two of you had encountered All Might, and as you mentioned, you had left to 'patrol'. Would you mind telling me what that was about?" She asked, and he sighed. "Just some personal business between my girl and All Might. She needed his help with finding out some stuff about her, and he was the only one who could do so. They aren't close to each other, really. All Might just had a way to help her." He replied. "I see. Well, as I said, keep her away from the public's eye for both of your sakes. Unless she's capable of defending herself or becoming a hero, make sure she stays hidden." The president told him. "We're already working on it." Keigo immediately said, sighing as he wanted the conversation to be over already. "Good. You'll be contacted again if anything else comes up - which I hope doesn't - and for any missions we have for you." She replied before hanging up. Keigo was tempted to get angry, to throw his phone to the ground and break it or go out to find a villain to fight, but reined it in, not wanting to scare Emina after what she went through growing up.

Back in Keigo's room, it was All Might who had called Emina. "Hello?" She greeted as she answered the phone, watching Keigo walk off a bit upset over whoever was calling him. "Young Ōkami. I'm glad you answered. I have news for you regarding your request to work in U.A.." All Might said, making her sit up quickly in anticipation. "Really?" She asked, and he hummed in agreement. "I spoke with Principal Nezu not that long ago about your situation and request. He wishes for you to visit the school when you can, preferably before the upcoming entrance exam. He wants to meet you and ask a few questions before deciding if you will work there or not." He told her. "Of course! I'll come as soon as I can. I literally just arrived in this reality the other day, so Hawks has been helping me with everything. I'll ask him if he can help me get to Musutafu again so I can visit the school." Emina said enthusiastically. "Good. Let me know when you have a travel schedule prepared - I'll meet you at Shizuoka station again and take you to meet the principal." All Might replied. "Okay. Thank you so much for your help, All Might, I really appreciate it." She told him gratefully. "Of course. Have a good rest of your night, Young Ōkami." He bid. "Thanks, you too." She replied before hanging up, and she grinned and bounced in the bed a bit in happy excitement. Everything was going well for her so far, and she hoped her luck will continue to help her.

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