Week 3 Day 6

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(A/N: a few time skips turned into a couple, help-)

"I don't know, are you sure this is okay? Maybe I shouldn't do this-" I ranted as I paced around the training room. Keigo and I agreed yesterday that I could start patrolling with him now that most of my issues have been dealt with. However, now I'm anxious about it, feeling like I should back out and leave the patrolling to Keigo. He went in my path and stopped me, his hands firm on my shoulders to keep me still as he looked at me with a patient smile. "Dove, it'll be fine. Nothing bad is gonna happen, and if the people in Shizuoka and Musutafu like you, my folks will too." He reassured, but I chewed on my lip nervously. "I don't know, it's just- they're used to you and are practically your family, I guess. It feels like I need to get their approval for us to be together." I told him as I rubbed my hands, trying not to crack my knuckles and wrists since I knew it bothered him. He gently rubbed my shoulders with his thumbs, giving me a small exasperated sigh as he continued to smile at me. "Emi, you're an amazing person. I'm sure they'll see that while we're out there. And don't worry - if the press comes by, I'll deal with most of the questions, but they'll want you to answer a few as well. Just give them a bit of the truth. If the villains that you're worried about are watching, you shouldn't give out too much information." He said, and I nodded a bit unsurely. "I know. Okay, we should probably go before I wuss out again." I sighed, and went to Amaya as she came out of her cat tunnel. "Stay here, Amaya, and be good, okay? We'll be back later." I told her softly, and she coiled around my ankle with a meow before running off to the dummies.

Keigo and I walked into the elevator and had it take us down to the lobby, him looking at my neck with a small pout in the meantime. I made the decision to not wear my feather necklace when I'm doing hero work, not wanting it to get damaged by whatever happens to me. Keigo tried telling me that he'd just give me a new one, but I don't want him wasting his feathers on me when he should save them for his own hero work. So, I left it in the pocket of my armored jacket for protection, and now he's all pouty because of it even though I still have it with me. I couldn't help smiling in endearment, and knew I'd have to convince him to be careful with the necklace I made for him, too. The last thing I want is to enrage Sera because we have to keep pulling her scales off for new necklaces. It hurts like hell, but the small scales at least grow back within a day.

Once we were let out of the elevator, we walked to the building entrance where some of the sidekicks were waiting for us outside. "Is everyone ready?" Keigo - Hawks asked as he looked around the small group, and they all nodded. "All right, let's go over the plan again. There are eight of you with us - four will be with me while the rest of you will be with Reverie. My group will take the west side while she takes the east. Treat her the same way you treat me, and follow her lead. Got it?" He instructed as he pointed at the sidekicks to our left, closest to me, and they nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's get going. Be careful out there." He finished, but looked at me at the last part, making me smile warmly and nod before we parted ways.

As I heard Hawks take off into the sky, I jogged down the street with my group, feeling a bit of nerves creeping up inside me. In all honesty, I've only ever been more of a follower than a leader. The hero's license exam was a fluke - I had gone into strictly-business mode almost immediately since Shadow and Sera were active inside me. Now, I was anxious that I was going to mess up on something. Shadow was ready for a fight, but Sera was being dismissive, curled up in my headspace and taking glances through my perspective in defense for any endangered children. I most likely won't get her help today, and it was risky either way if I work with her or Shadow. Shadow's bloodlust will be hard to control as an aggressive alpha female, and without Keigo with us or the need to protect nearby children, Sera might go on a rampage if I let her out without a good enough reason for her.

I felt my skin prickle in the back of my neck and on my upper back when my comms beeped. "There's a fight breaking out in a small market. Take a right and it's down the street on your left." One of the sidekicks on security watch informed me. "C'mon. Let's go stop a fight." I began, Shadow taking over with a dark grin at the end once I shifted into her Halfling form. The four sidekicks with me nodded before trying to keep up, Shadow sprinting towards the destination as fast as a bicycle, thrilled for a chance to take on an actual criminal.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now