U.A. Sports Festival Pt. 8

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With the battle over, I walked out of the arena with Shoto, my wings spread to cover his back as we went into the tunnel. Izuku had already been sent to Recovery Girl, and I planned on going to him once I made sure Shoto's talk with Endeavor goes as it should. Speaking of, the flaming man was waiting for us, and we stopped a few feet in front of him. Shoto was as stoic as ever, but I was giving Endeavor a warning glare for him to not say anything that will piss me off. He was just smirking with his arms crossed - if I didn't know better, I would've thought he was proud of Shoto himself and not of the progress he believed Shoto was making to achieve Endeavor's goals. " 'You're in my way'. You're not going to say that? You need to control your left side... You're just letting it all out, and it's dangerous. But you have finally abandoned your childish tantrums and finally become a perfect upgrade of me. After you graduate, come work for me. I'll lead you down the path of the mighty." He said, spreading his arms wide before offering a hand to Shoto with a grin on his face, as if he was trying to propose a deal with his own son.

I bared my teeth at him as Sera caused a growl to rumble from my throat, my whole body heating up as I was prepared to say some shit to this terrible excuse of a father. However, Shoto rose a hand out to stop me, making me pause and hold Sera back for a moment. "There's no way I can abandon anything. It's not something that can be so easily reversed. It's just... back then... For that one moment... I forgot about you. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing... Whether it is correct or not... I need to think about it." Shoto told Endeavor, looking at his left hand before walking away, shocking the older man. I didn't follow him, knowing now he needed time to himself, and I wanted to have a word with Endeavor as well.

Endeavor looked back at Shoto's retreating form before grunting and glaring down at me, only stirring up my quirks' anger more. "As my son's teacher, I commend you for trying to help Shoto and support him. However, I am his father and will make his decisions in the end. I suggest you do not interfere in our affairs." He said gruffly, insinuating for me to not get in his way. " 'Your son'? 'His father'? You are one of the worst fathers I have ever known. You used your family in attempt to create a stronger version of yourself to become the Number One pro hero, something you failed to do in all of your career. You forced your wife to give birth to four children and abused her when she didn't please you in any way. You tried making Touya into your image and killed him by doing that when all he wanted to do was make you happy and proud. You neglected your other two children when they didn't suit your needs, then proceeded to do the same thing to Shoto that you did to Touya. I was the youngest of four children as well, and like me, Shoto learned from everything that happened around him to become the complete opposite. I'm glad that he did, because he isn't you Endeavor. He may be your flesh and blood, but he is Shoto Todoroki, wielder of Half-Hot Half-Cold. Not Enji Todoroki, wielder of Hellflame. He can decide his own path, and as his teacher, I will be there to support him in whatever decision he makes. As his father, you should do the same instead of pressuring him to be something he's not." I lectured angrily.

Endeavor's glare turned into wide eyed shock, looking like he just got slapped, which is a tempting idea to my quirks, and I began to stomp past him in upset. " 'Throwing tantrums'. He's not a child and can make his own decisions. And by the way, you were right about one thing - Shoto is the perfect upgrade of you. Not just in terms of quirk manifestation, but as a person. Fucking sorry excuse of a human." I grumbled, briefly turning around to point at him before returning to my storming and grumbling. "Reverie." Endeavor called to me in a low rumble, and I whirled back around in a snarl since he dared to speak back to me. "What?" Sera snapped, and her anger only rose when she saw his stern, suspicious glare. "How do you know so much about my family and I?" He questioned, and I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I turned my back to him again. "I know plenty of things, and you'll be glad that I do in the future." I retorted, leaving him behind as I turned the corner.

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