Battle Trial

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I leaned back against the chalkboard as I looked over the hero course curriculum again. General education classes in the morning, lunch in the main building's cafeteria, and in the afternoon, hero basic training. I realized on my second day at this school that since I'm just an assistant home room teacher, I can also assist with other classes if I'm able to. So, I decided that throughout the day before the hero course training, I'd switch between helping teach English with Mic and Literature with Cementoss. I had to explain to the two of them and Nezu that despite being fluent in Japanese, my first language is English, and that I used to be a writer before I came to Japan. Though, I was embarrassed to admit that it was simply fanfiction, but they accepted my help after testing to see how good I was.

I heard the chatter of my students coming from the hall and smiled before setting the handout down, turning to look at the door as it opened. "Welcome back, everyone! Please take a seat. Class will begin once your training teacher for the day arrives." I told them, and a few of them said 'okay' in return, the rest not paying me any mind as they continued talking with each other. I didn't mind - I was the same way when I had been in school. It made me nostalgic, missing my old friends and my band years. I raised a hand and watched as I flexed my fingers, wondering if after a few years of not playing I could still play the flute. I grew up on the instrument, and had even played the clarinet a few months my senior year for concert band. I had also taught myself the piano, but was only decent at it. There were so many other instruments that I wanted to learn back then, but I never got the chance. I still don't - with everything that will happen in my new life, I doubt I'll have time to relearn my instruments or learn new ones. I glanced over at Jirou, seeing her with her hand propping up her head as she twirled a pencil with her other hand. Maybe I could ask her for help in the future since she'll help teach the other kids for the school festival. I shook my head. I shouldn't bother her for something like that. Like me, she's shy when it comes to her musical talent. I don't want to push her about it when I know how intrusive it feels.

The door opened again, and we all looked to see who it was. "I am... coming through the door like a normal person." All Might announce, though I rose an eyebrow in amusement. 'That's not exactly normal.' I thought, looking at him leaning into the room by his toes while holding onto the doorframe. The man was in his bulk form, fitted in his hero costume and his trademark grin as his cape fluttered around him. "It's All Might!" Denki exclaimed softly, the class getting noisy with how in awe everybody was of the hero. "Wow, he really is a teacher!" Kirishima said, Tsu touching her bottom lip from her seat next to him. "That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" She asked as All Might marched in dramatically, coming to stand next to me behind the podium. "Its style is so different. It's giving me goosebumps." Ojiro commented, and I internally cried a bit as I continued smiling. 'What about my costume? It's a mix of medieval and modern, but you guys never said anything.' I complained. 'It's All Might. Everyone's always going to be hyped about him.' Shadow grumbled.

"I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject!" All Might began, then stepped away, lunging and flexing his arms. "Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today - combat training!" He exclaimed, showing them a card that said 'battle', and I immediately saw Katsuki grin fiercely as Izuku sweat dropped behind him, looking worried. "Combat... training." The boys said. "And to go with that are these!" All Might added before pointing to the wall panels, which moved out to reveal the students' hero costume suitcases. "Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started." He explained, and the class shouted in awe. "Costumes!" Izuku said in light excitement, hugging his backpack close since it held his costume. I remember him showing it to me when I first stayed at his home a few days ago. He had put it on to show me, wondering and worrying what I thought of it.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora